- accelerometer, native apps, Accelerometer, Accelerometer
- addGlossToIcon property, Customizing jQTouch
- Ajax, iPhone styling, Adding a Touch of Ajax
- alert functions, native apps, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- alert() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- animation, Animation, What You’ve Learned
- Apache web server, manifest files, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
- APIs, JavaScript database API, Client-Side Database
- apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag, Full Screen Mode
- apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta tag, Changing the Status Bar
- apple-touch-icon meta tag, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- apple-touch-icon-precomposed meta tag, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- apple-touch-startup-image meta tag, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
- application cache database, debugging offline web
apps, The Application Cache Database, The Application Cache Database
- ApplicationCache.db database, The Application Cache Database
- apps
- submitting to iTunes, Preface, Submitting Your App to iTunes, Further Reading
- web apps versus native apps, What Is a Web App?
- Apps Store (see iTunes App Store)
- attributes
- id versus class attributes, Intro to CSS
- text inputs, Adding the New Entry Panel
- autocapitalize attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
- autocomplete attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
- autocorrect attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
- back button example, Roll Your Own Back Button, Roll Your Own Back Button
- back buttons, href, Sliding Home
- backSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- bars, changing the status bar, Changing the Status Bar
- beep() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- beeps, native apps, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- binaries, application binaries, Prepare the Application Binary
- block tags, Intro to HTML
- border image property, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
- borders
- -webkit-border-image property, Roll Your Own Back Button
- -webkit-border-radius property, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- buttons
- back button example, Roll Your Own Back Button, Roll Your Own Back Button
- cancel buttons, Adding the New Entry Panel
- submit input button, Adding the New Entry Panel
- cache (see offline application cache)
- cache manifest database, The Application Cache Database
- cache manifest file, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache, Online Whitelist and Fallback Options, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- cacheGetRequests property, Customizing jQTouch
- CacheGroups data model, The Application Cache Database
- CacheResources tableCaches table, The Application Cache Database
- Caches table, The Application Cache Database
- CacheWhitelistURLs table, The Application Cache Database
- calorie-tracking example, Sliding Home, Putting It All Together
- cancel buttons, Adding the New Entry Panel
- Cascading Style Sheets (see CSS)
- class attributes
- submit input button, Adding the New Entry Panel
- versus id attributes, Intro to CSS
- classes, assigning CSS classes to HTML elements, Sliding Home
- click handlers, Geolocation
- client-side data storage, Client-Side Data Storage, What You’ve Learned
- databases, Client-Side Database, Deleting Rows
- localStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
- sessionStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
- com.apple.WebAppCache directory, The Application Cache Database
- consoles, JavaScript console, Debugging, The JavaScript Console
- CONSTRAINT_ERR error code, Error handling
- conventions, UI, Adding the iPhone CSS
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
- about, Intro to CSS, Intro to CSS
- assigning CSS classes to HTML elements, Sliding Home
- iPhone CSS, Adding the iPhone CSS
- versus iPhone stylesheets, Preparing a Separate iPhone Stylesheet
- CSS Sprite technique, Roll Your Own Back Button
- cubeSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- database size limits, Creating a Database
- databases, Client-Side Data Storage
- (see also client-side data storage)
- adding latitude and longitude columns, Geolocation
- error codes, Error handling
- iPhone Simulator app cache database, The Application Cache Database
- Safari desktop browser, Creating a Database
- size limits, Creating a Database
- SQL support, Client-Side Database
- DATABASE_ERR error code, Error handling
- Dates panel
- about, Adding the Dates Panel, Adding the Date Panel
- saving dates to sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
- debugging
- offline application cache, Debugging, The Application Cache Database
- web apps using web inspector in Safari desktop
browser, Creating a Database
- declaration, CSS, Intro to CSS
- defaults
- jQTouch properties, Customizing jQTouch
- Mobile Safari, Roll Your Own Back Button
- PhoneGap home screen icon, Customizing the Title and Icon
- PhoneGap startup graphic, Creating a Startup Screen
- deleting rows, Deleting Rows, Deleting Rows
- directories
- com.apple.WebAppCache directory, The Application Cache Database
- iphone directory, Intro to PhoneGap
- dissolveSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- DOM (Document Object Model), using JavaScript to interact
with HTML pages, Intro to JavaScript
- DRY principle, Preparing a Separate iPhone Stylesheet
- dynamic manifest files, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- fadeSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- FallbackURLs table, The Application Cache Database
- fixedViewport property, Customizing jQTouch
- flipSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- fonts, Adding the iPhone CSS
- foreign keys, defined, The Application Cache Database
- full screen mode, iPhone styling, Full Screen Mode
- fullScreen property, Customizing jQTouch
- fullScreenClass property, Customizing jQTouch
- functions, passing functions as parameters, Traffic Cop
- handlers
- success handlers, Error handling
- transaction callback handlers, Error handling
- home screen, adding icons to, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- hosting web apps, Basic iPhone Styling
- href tag, Sliding Home
- .htaccess file, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
- HTML, Basic iPhone Styling
- (see also iPhone styling)
- about, Intro to HTML, Intro to HTML
- assigning CSS classes to HTML elements, Sliding Home
- DOM and JavaScript, Intro to JavaScript
- hyperlinks, CSS, Intro to CSS
- icon property, Customizing jQTouch
- icons
- adding to home screen, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- customizing with PhoneGap, Customizing the Title and Icon, Customizing the Title and Icon
- id attributes, versus class attributes, Intro to CSS
- id field, The Application Cache Database
- images
- borders, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
- buttons, Roll Your Own Back Button
- jQTouch, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
- offsets, Roll Your Own Back Button
- PhoneGap startup graphic, Creating a Startup Screen
- precomposed, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- startup graphics, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
- index.html file, Intro to PhoneGap
- inline tags, Intro to HTML
- inserting rows in client-side databases, Inserting Rows
- installing
- iPhone distribution provisioning profiles, Installing the iPhone Distribution Provisioning Profile
- native apps, Installing Your App on the iPhone
- PHP, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- Internet Explorer, desktop version of CSS, Preparing a Separate iPhone Stylesheet
- iPhone Developer Program, Intro to PhoneGap
- iPhone distribution provisioning profile, Creating an iPhone Distribution Provisioning Profile
- iPhone SDK, The Application Cache Database
- iPhone Simulator
- app cache database, The Application Cache Database
- using, Intro to PhoneGap
- iPhone styling, Basic iPhone Styling, What You’ve Learned, Advanced iPhone Styling, What You’ve Learned
- adding icons to home screen, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- Ajax, Adding a Touch of Ajax
- back button example, Roll Your Own Back Button, Roll Your Own Back Button
- full screen mode, Full Screen Mode
- getting started, First Steps
- iPhone CSS, Adding the iPhone CSS
- iPhone look and feel, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- jQuery JavaScript library, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
- look and feel, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- simple bells and whistles example, Simple Bells and Whistles, Simple Bells and Whistles
- traffic cop example, Traffic Cop, Traffic Cop
- iTunes App Store
- experiences with, Preface
- submitting apps to, Preface, Submitting Your App to iTunes, Further Reading
- JavaScript, Controlling the iPhone with JavaScript, Accelerometer
- (see also jQTouch; jQuery)
- about, Intro to JavaScript, Intro to JavaScript
- accelerometer, Accelerometer, Accelerometer
- beep, vibrate and alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- geolocation, Geolocation, Geolocation
- JavaScript alerts compared to PhoneGap
alerts, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- passing functions as parameters, Traffic Cop
- persistent data support, Saving User Settings to localStorage
- SQL support, Client-Side Database
- JavaScript console
- debugging the offline application cache, The JavaScript Console, The JavaScript Console
- logging, Debugging
- jQTouch
- images, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
- screen height, Using the Screen’s Full Height
- jQTouch JavaScript library
- about, With a Little Help from Our Friend
- cancel buttons, Adding the New Entry Panel
- customizing, Customizing jQTouch
- submit input button, Adding the New Entry Panel
- jQuery JavaScript library
- about, Intro to JavaScript
- iPhone styling, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery, Simple Bells and Whistles
- jQTouch JavaScript library, With a Little Help from Our Friend
- launching web apps, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
- libraries (see jQTouch; jQuery)
- linux, installing PHP, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- local manifest, comparing to remote manifest, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
- localStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
- logging, console logging, Debugging
- look and feel, iPhone, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- Mac OS X
- .htaccess file, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
- installing and enabling PHP, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- manifest files, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- manifest links, in index.html file, Intro to PhoneGap
- manifestHostHash field, The Application Cache Database
- manifestURL field, The Application Cache Database
- meta tags
- apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag, Full Screen Mode
- apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta
tag, Changing the Status Bar
- apple-touch-icon meta tag, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- apple-touch-icon-precomposed meta tag, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- apple-touch-startup-image meta tag, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
- viewport meta tag, Controlling the Page Scaling
- Mobile Safari web browser
- back buttons, Roll Your Own Back Button
- full screen mode, Full Screen Mode
- page scaling, Controlling the Page Scaling
- modes, full screen mode, Full Screen Mode
- name attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
- native apps, Going Native, What You’ve Learned
- installing, Installing Your App on the iPhone
- JavaScript, Controlling the iPhone with JavaScript, Accelerometer
- PhoneGap, Intro to PhoneGap, Creating a Startup Screen
- simulating web apps as, Intro to PhoneGap
- versus web apps, Preface, What Is a Web App?
- navigation menus, rounded corners, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- NETWORK: keyword, Online Whitelist and Fallback Options
- New Entry panel, Adding the New Entry Panel
- newestCache field, The Application Cache Database
- Objective-C, Preface
- offline application cache, Going Offline, What You’ve Learned
- about, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
- debugging, Debugging, The Application Cache Database
- dynamic manifest files, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- online whitelist and fallback options, Online Whitelist and Fallback Options
- offsets, images, Roll Your Own Back Button
- online whitelist, Online Whitelist and Fallback Options
- padding, content and sidebar elements, Adding the iPhone CSS
- page scaling, Controlling the Page Scaling
- panels
- Dates panel, Adding the Dates Panel, Adding the Date Panel
- New Entry panel, Adding the New Entry Panel
- Settings panel, Adding the Settings Panel
- path names, ./ in, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- persistent data support, Saving User Settings to localStorage
- PhoneGap, Intro to PhoneGap, Creating a Startup Screen
- PhoneGap alerts compared to JavaScript
alerts, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- screen height, Using the Screen’s Full Height
- startup screens, Creating a Startup Screen
- titles and icons, Customizing the Title and Icon, Customizing the Title and Icon
- PHP, scripts, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- placeholder attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
- popSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- precomposed images, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- preloadImages property, Customizing jQTouch
- primary keys, defined, The Application Cache Database
- properties
- -webkit-border-image property, Roll Your Own Back Button
- -webkit-border-radius property, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- border image property, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
- CSS, Intro to CSS
- exposed by jQTouch JavaScript library, Sliding Home
- provisioning profiles, Installing Your App on the iPhone
- remote manifests, comparing to local manifests, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
- renaming apps, Renaming the Project
- rounded corners, navigation menus, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- rows in client-side databases, Inserting Rows, Deleting Rows
- deleting, Deleting Rows, Deleting Rows
- inserting, Inserting Rows
- selecting, Selecting Rows and Handling Result Sets
- Safari desktop browser, Intro to HTML
- (see also Mobile Safari web browser)
- client-side databases, Creating a Database
- page scaling, Controlling the Page Scaling
- testing web apps, Intro to HTML, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery, Simple Bells and Whistles
- saving
- dates to sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
- user settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage
- scaling, page scaling, Controlling the Page Scaling
- screen height
- jQTouch, Using the Screen’s Full Height
- PhoneGap, Using the Screen’s Full Height
- screens
- adding icons to home screen, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- full screen mode, Full Screen Mode
- startup screens in native apps, Creating a Startup Screen
- scripts, PHP, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- SDKs
- iPhone SDK, The Application Cache Database
- requirements, Intro to PhoneGap
- selecting rows in client-side databases, Selecting Rows and Handling Result Sets
- selectors, CSS, Intro to CSS
- servers (see web servers)
- sessionStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
- Settings panel, Adding the Settings Panel
- settings, saving user settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage
- simple bells and whistles example, Simple Bells and Whistles, Simple Bells and Whistles
- simulators (see iPhone Simulator)
- slideInSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- slideupSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- executeSql() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- handling errors, Error handling
- support for, Client-Side Database
- SQLite control statements, The Application Cache Database
- startup graphics, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
- startup screens, native apps, Creating a Startup Screen
- startupScreen property, Customizing jQTouch
- status bar, changing, Changing the Status Bar
- statusBar property, Customizing jQTouch
- storage (see client-side storage; databases)
- styling (see CSS; iPhone styling)
- submit input button, class attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
- submitSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- submitting apps to iTunes, Submitting Your App to iTunes, Further Reading
- application binaries, Prepare the Application Binary
- iPhone distribution provisioning profile, Creating an iPhone Distribution Provisioning Profile
- real life experiences, Preface
- renaming apps, Renaming the Project
- success handlers, Error handling
- swapSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
- SYNTAX_ERR error code, Error handling
- tables
- cache manifest database, The Application Cache Database
- Caches table, The Application Cache Database
- CacheWhitelistURLs table, The Application Cache Database
- FallbackURLs table, The Application Cache Database
- tags (see HTML)
- testing web apps
- about, Intro to PhoneGap
- on local networks, Simple Bells and Whistles
- using Safari, Intro to HTML, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
- text editors, selecting, Intro to HTML
- text inputs, attributes, Adding the New Entry Panel
- text-shadow declaration, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- themes, jQTouch JavaScript library, Sliding Home
- this keyword, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
- TIMEOUT_ERR error code, Error handling
- titles, customizing with PhoneGap, Customizing the Title and Icon, Customizing the Title and Icon
- TOO_LARGE_ERR error code, Error handling
- traffic cop example, Traffic Cop, Traffic Cop
- transaction callback handlers, Error handling
- transaction method, Error handling
- type attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
- UI (user interface)
- conventions, Adding the iPhone CSS
- iPhone look and feel, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- ul elements, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
- unique keys, defined, The Application Cache Database
- UNKNOWN_ERR error code, Error handling
- useAnimations property, Customizing jQTouch
- user settings, saving to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage
- values, CSS, Intro to CSS
- vibrate() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- vibrate, native apps, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
- viewport meta tag, Mobile Safari web browser, Controlling the Page Scaling
- W3C Web Database error codes, Error handling
- web apps, Preface
- (see also animation; iPhone styling; testing web apps)
- hosting, Basic iPhone Styling
- launching, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
- versus native apps, Preface, What Is a Web App?
- Web Clip icons, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
- web programming (see CSS; HTML; JavaScript)
- web servers
- hosting web apps on, Basic iPhone Styling
- manifest files, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
- PHP scripts, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
- -webkit-border-image
property, Roll Your Own Back Button
- -webkit-border-radius
property, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- -webkit-gradient, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
- whitelist, online, Online Whitelist and Fallback Options
Site last updated on: November 17, 2010 at 10:11:32 AM PST