

-webkit-border-image property, Roll Your Own Back Button
-webkit-border-radius property, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
-webkit-gradient, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
./ in path name, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
.htaccess file, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache


accelerometer, native apps, Accelerometer, Accelerometer
addGlossToIcon property, Customizing jQTouch
Ajax, iPhone styling, Adding a Touch of Ajax
alert functions, native apps, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
alert() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
animation, Animation, What You’ve Learned
Apache web server, manifest files, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
APIs, JavaScript database API, Client-Side Database
apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag, Full Screen Mode
apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta tag, Changing the Status Bar
apple-touch-icon meta tag, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
apple-touch-icon-precomposed meta tag, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
apple-touch-startup-image meta tag, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
application cache database, debugging offline web apps, The Application Cache Database, The Application Cache Database
ApplicationCache.db database, The Application Cache Database
submitting to iTunes, Preface, Submitting Your App to iTunes, Further Reading
web apps versus native apps, What Is a Web App?
Apps Store (see iTunes App Store)
id versus class attributes, Intro to CSS
text inputs, Adding the New Entry Panel
autocapitalize attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
autocomplete attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
autocorrect attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel


back button example, Roll Your Own Back Button, Roll Your Own Back Button
back buttons, href, Sliding Home
backSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
bars, changing the status bar, Changing the Status Bar
beep() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
beeps, native apps, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
binaries, application binaries, Prepare the Application Binary
block tags, Intro to HTML
border image property, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
-webkit-border-image property, Roll Your Own Back Button
-webkit-border-radius property, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
back button example, Roll Your Own Back Button, Roll Your Own Back Button
cancel buttons, Adding the New Entry Panel
submit input button, Adding the New Entry Panel


cache (see offline application cache)
cache manifest database, The Application Cache Database
cache manifest file, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache, Online Whitelist and Fallback Options, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
cacheGetRequests property, Customizing jQTouch
CacheGroups data model, The Application Cache Database
CacheResources tableCaches table, The Application Cache Database
Caches table, The Application Cache Database
CacheWhitelistURLs table, The Application Cache Database
calorie-tracking example, Sliding Home, Putting It All Together
cancel buttons, Adding the New Entry Panel
Cascading Style Sheets (see CSS)
class attributes
submit input button, Adding the New Entry Panel
versus id attributes, Intro to CSS
classes, assigning CSS classes to HTML elements, Sliding Home
click handlers, Geolocation
client-side data storage, Client-Side Data Storage, What You’ve Learned
databases, Client-Side Database, Deleting Rows
localStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
sessionStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage directory, The Application Cache Database
consoles, JavaScript console, Debugging, The JavaScript Console
CONSTRAINT_ERR error code, Error handling
conventions, UI, Adding the iPhone CSS
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
about, Intro to CSS, Intro to CSS
assigning CSS classes to HTML elements, Sliding Home
iPhone CSS, Adding the iPhone CSS
versus iPhone stylesheets, Preparing a Separate iPhone Stylesheet
CSS Sprite technique, Roll Your Own Back Button
cubeSelector property, Customizing jQTouch


database size limits, Creating a Database
databases, Client-Side Data Storage
(see also client-side data storage)
adding latitude and longitude columns, Geolocation
error codes, Error handling
iPhone Simulator app cache database, The Application Cache Database
Safari desktop browser, Creating a Database
size limits, Creating a Database
SQL support, Client-Side Database
DATABASE_ERR error code, Error handling
Dates panel
about, Adding the Dates Panel, Adding the Date Panel
saving dates to sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
offline application cache, Debugging, The Application Cache Database
web apps using web inspector in Safari desktop browser, Creating a Database
declaration, CSS, Intro to CSS
jQTouch properties, Customizing jQTouch
Mobile Safari, Roll Your Own Back Button
PhoneGap home screen icon, Customizing the Title and Icon
PhoneGap startup graphic, Creating a Startup Screen
deleting rows, Deleting Rows, Deleting Rows
directories directory, The Application Cache Database
iphone directory, Intro to PhoneGap
dissolveSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
DOM (Document Object Model), using JavaScript to interact with HTML pages, Intro to JavaScript
DRY principle, Preparing a Separate iPhone Stylesheet
dynamic manifest files, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File


selecting text editors, Intro to HTML
Xcode editor, Using the Screen’s Full Height
error handling, inserting rows in client-side databases, Error handling
executeSql() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert


fadeSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
FallbackURLs table, The Application Cache Database
fixedViewport property, Customizing jQTouch
flipSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
fonts, Adding the iPhone CSS
foreign keys, defined, The Application Cache Database
full screen mode, iPhone styling, Full Screen Mode
fullScreen property, Customizing jQTouch
fullScreenClass property, Customizing jQTouch
functions, passing functions as parameters, Traffic Cop


native apps, Geolocation, Geolocation
using in a function, Geolocation
gradients, -webkit-gradient, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
graphics (see images)


success handlers, Error handling
transaction callback handlers, Error handling
home screen, adding icons to, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
hosting web apps, Basic iPhone Styling
href tag, Sliding Home
.htaccess file, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
HTML, Basic iPhone Styling
(see also iPhone styling)
about, Intro to HTML, Intro to HTML
assigning CSS classes to HTML elements, Sliding Home
DOM and JavaScript, Intro to JavaScript
hyperlinks, CSS, Intro to CSS


icon property, Customizing jQTouch
adding to home screen, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
customizing with PhoneGap, Customizing the Title and Icon, Customizing the Title and Icon
id attributes, versus class attributes, Intro to CSS
id field, The Application Cache Database
borders, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
buttons, Roll Your Own Back Button
jQTouch, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
offsets, Roll Your Own Back Button
PhoneGap startup graphic, Creating a Startup Screen
precomposed, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
startup graphics, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
index.html file, Intro to PhoneGap
inline tags, Intro to HTML
inserting rows in client-side databases, Inserting Rows
iPhone distribution provisioning profiles, Installing the iPhone Distribution Provisioning Profile
native apps, Installing Your App on the iPhone
PHP, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
Internet Explorer, desktop version of CSS, Preparing a Separate iPhone Stylesheet
iPhone Developer Program, Intro to PhoneGap
iPhone distribution provisioning profile, Creating an iPhone Distribution Provisioning Profile
iPhone SDK, The Application Cache Database
iPhone Simulator
app cache database, The Application Cache Database
using, Intro to PhoneGap
iPhone styling, Basic iPhone Styling, What You’ve Learned, Advanced iPhone Styling, What You’ve Learned
adding icons to home screen, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
Ajax, Adding a Touch of Ajax
back button example, Roll Your Own Back Button, Roll Your Own Back Button
full screen mode, Full Screen Mode
getting started, First Steps
iPhone CSS, Adding the iPhone CSS
iPhone look and feel, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
jQuery JavaScript library, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
look and feel, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
simple bells and whistles example, Simple Bells and Whistles, Simple Bells and Whistles
traffic cop example, Traffic Cop, Traffic Cop
iTunes App Store
experiences with, Preface
submitting apps to, Preface, Submitting Your App to iTunes, Further Reading


JavaScript, Controlling the iPhone with JavaScript, Accelerometer
(see also jQTouch; jQuery)
about, Intro to JavaScript, Intro to JavaScript
accelerometer, Accelerometer, Accelerometer
beep, vibrate and alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
geolocation, Geolocation, Geolocation
JavaScript alerts compared to PhoneGap alerts, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
passing functions as parameters, Traffic Cop
persistent data support, Saving User Settings to localStorage
SQL support, Client-Side Database
JavaScript console
debugging the offline application cache, The JavaScript Console, The JavaScript Console
logging, Debugging
images, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
screen height, Using the Screen’s Full Height
jQTouch JavaScript library
about, With a Little Help from Our Friend
cancel buttons, Adding the New Entry Panel
customizing, Customizing jQTouch
submit input button, Adding the New Entry Panel
jQuery JavaScript library
about, Intro to JavaScript
iPhone styling, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery, Simple Bells and Whistles
jQTouch JavaScript library, With a Little Help from Our Friend


launching web apps, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
libraries (see jQTouch; jQuery)
linux, installing PHP, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
local manifest, comparing to remote manifest, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
localStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
logging, console logging, Debugging
look and feel, iPhone, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel


Mac OS X
.htaccess file, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
installing and enabling PHP, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
manifest files, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
manifest links, in index.html file, Intro to PhoneGap
manifestHostHash field, The Application Cache Database
manifestURL field, The Application Cache Database
meta tags
apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag, Full Screen Mode
apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta tag, Changing the Status Bar
apple-touch-icon meta tag, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
apple-touch-icon-precomposed meta tag, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
apple-touch-startup-image meta tag, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
viewport meta tag, Controlling the Page Scaling
Mobile Safari web browser
back buttons, Roll Your Own Back Button
full screen mode, Full Screen Mode
page scaling, Controlling the Page Scaling
modes, full screen mode, Full Screen Mode


padding, content and sidebar elements, Adding the iPhone CSS
page scaling, Controlling the Page Scaling
Dates panel, Adding the Dates Panel, Adding the Date Panel
New Entry panel, Adding the New Entry Panel
Settings panel, Adding the Settings Panel
path names, ./ in, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
persistent data support, Saving User Settings to localStorage
PhoneGap, Intro to PhoneGap, Creating a Startup Screen
PhoneGap alerts compared to JavaScript alerts, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
screen height, Using the Screen’s Full Height
startup screens, Creating a Startup Screen
titles and icons, Customizing the Title and Icon, Customizing the Title and Icon
PHP, scripts, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
placeholder attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
popSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
precomposed images, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
preloadImages property, Customizing jQTouch
primary keys, defined, The Application Cache Database
-webkit-border-image property, Roll Your Own Back Button
-webkit-border-radius property, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
border image property, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
CSS, Intro to CSS
exposed by jQTouch JavaScript library, Sliding Home
provisioning profiles, Installing Your App on the iPhone


QUOTA_ERR error code, Error handling


remote manifests, comparing to local manifests, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
renaming apps, Renaming the Project
rounded corners, navigation menus, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
rows in client-side databases, Inserting Rows, Deleting Rows
deleting, Deleting Rows, Deleting Rows
inserting, Inserting Rows
selecting, Selecting Rows and Handling Result Sets


Safari desktop browser, Intro to HTML
(see also Mobile Safari web browser)
client-side databases, Creating a Database
page scaling, Controlling the Page Scaling
testing web apps, Intro to HTML, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery, Simple Bells and Whistles
dates to sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
user settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage
scaling, page scaling, Controlling the Page Scaling
screen height
jQTouch, Using the Screen’s Full Height
PhoneGap, Using the Screen’s Full Height
adding icons to home screen, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
full screen mode, Full Screen Mode
startup screens in native apps, Creating a Startup Screen
scripts, PHP, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
iPhone SDK, The Application Cache Database
requirements, Intro to PhoneGap
selecting rows in client-side databases, Selecting Rows and Handling Result Sets
selectors, CSS, Intro to CSS
servers (see web servers)
sessionStorage, localStorage and sessionStorage, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
Settings panel, Adding the Settings Panel
settings, saving user settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage
simple bells and whistles example, Simple Bells and Whistles, Simple Bells and Whistles
simulators (see iPhone Simulator)
slideInSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
slideupSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
executeSql() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
handling errors, Error handling
support for, Client-Side Database
SQLite control statements, The Application Cache Database
startup graphics, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
startup screens, native apps, Creating a Startup Screen
startupScreen property, Customizing jQTouch
status bar, changing, Changing the Status Bar
statusBar property, Customizing jQTouch
storage (see client-side storage; databases)
styling (see CSS; iPhone styling)
submit input button, class attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel
submitSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
submitting apps to iTunes, Submitting Your App to iTunes, Further Reading
application binaries, Prepare the Application Binary
iPhone distribution provisioning profile, Creating an iPhone Distribution Provisioning Profile
real life experiences, Preface
renaming apps, Renaming the Project
success handlers, Error handling
swapSelector property, Customizing jQTouch
SYNTAX_ERR error code, Error handling


cache manifest database, The Application Cache Database
Caches table, The Application Cache Database
CacheWhitelistURLs table, The Application Cache Database
FallbackURLs table, The Application Cache Database
tags (see HTML)
testing web apps
about, Intro to PhoneGap
on local networks, Simple Bells and Whistles
using Safari, Intro to HTML, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
text editors, selecting, Intro to HTML
text inputs, attributes, Adding the New Entry Panel
text-shadow declaration, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
themes, jQTouch JavaScript library, Sliding Home
this keyword, Saving the Selected Date to sessionStorage
TIMEOUT_ERR error code, Error handling
titles, customizing with PhoneGap, Customizing the Title and Icon, Customizing the Title and Icon
TOO_LARGE_ERR error code, Error handling
traffic cop example, Traffic Cop, Traffic Cop
transaction callback handlers, Error handling
transaction method, Error handling
type attribute, Adding the New Entry Panel


UI (user interface)
conventions, Adding the iPhone CSS
iPhone look and feel, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
ul elements, Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery
unique keys, defined, The Application Cache Database
UNKNOWN_ERR error code, Error handling
useAnimations property, Customizing jQTouch
user settings, saving to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage, Saving User Settings to localStorage


values, CSS, Intro to CSS
vibrate() method, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
vibrate, native apps, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert, Beep, Vibrate, and Alert
viewport meta tag, Mobile Safari web browser, Controlling the Page Scaling


W3C Web Database error codes, Error handling
web apps, Preface
(see also animation; iPhone styling; testing web apps)
hosting, Basic iPhone Styling
launching, Providing a Custom Startup Graphic
versus native apps, Preface, What Is a Web App?
Web Clip icons, Adding an Icon to the Home Screen
web programming (see CSS; HTML; JavaScript)
web servers
hosting web apps on, Basic iPhone Styling
manifest files, The Basics of the Offline Application Cache
PHP scripts, Creating a Dynamic Manifest File
-webkit-border-image property, Roll Your Own Back Button
-webkit-border-radius property, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
-webkit-gradient, Adding the iPhone Look and Feel
whitelist, online, Online Whitelist and Fallback Options
Site last updated on: November 17, 2010 at 10:11:32 AM PST