Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
Next: Iteration Control
Up: Loop
Previous: User Extensibility

The remaining sections of this chapter describe the constructs that the Loop Facility
provides. The descriptions are organized according to the functionality
of the constructs. Each section begins with a general discussion of
a particular operation; it then presents the constructs that perform the
- Section 26.6,
``Iteration Control,'' describes iteration
control clauses that allow directed loop iteration.
- Section 26.7, ``End-Test Control,''
describes clauses that stop iteration by providing a conditional expression
that can be tested after each execution of the loop body.
- Section 26.8,
``Value Accumulation,'' describes constructs
that accumulate values during iteration and return them from a loop. This section also
discusses ways in which accumulation clauses can be combined within the
Loop Facility.
- Section 26.9,
``Variable Initializations,'' describes the with
construct, which provides local variables for use within the loop
body, and other constructs that provide local variables.
- Section 26.10,
``Conditional Execution,'' describes how to execute loop
clauses conditionally.
- Section 26.11,
``Unconditional Execution,'' describes the do
and return constructs. It also describes constructs that are
used in the loop prologue and loop epilogue.
- Section 26.12,
``Miscellaneous Features,'' discusses loop data types
and destructuring. It also presents constructs for naming a loop and
for specifying initial and final actions.
Next: Iteration Control
Up: Loop
Previous: User Extensibility
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