Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
Next: Creating Instances of
Up: Classes
Previous: Classes
The macro defclass is used to define a new named class.
The definition of a class includes the following:
- The name of the new class. For newly defined classes
this is a proper name.
- The list of the direct superclasses of the new class.
- A set of slot specifiers. Each slot specifier
includes the name of the slot and zero or more slot options. A
slot option pertains only to a single slot. If a class definition
contains two slot specifiers with the same name, an error is signaled.
- A set of class options. Each class option pertains
to the class as a whole.
The slot options and class options of the defclass form provide
mechanisms for the following:
- Supplying a default initial value form for a given slot.
- Requesting that methods for generic functions
be automatically generated for reading or writing slots.
- Controlling whether a given slot is shared by instances
of the class or whether each instance of the class has its own slot.
- Supplying a set of initialization arguments and initialization
argument defaults to be used in instance creation.
- Indicating that the metaclass is to be other than the default.
- Indicating the expected type for the value stored in the slot.
- Indicating the documentation string for the slot.
Next: Creating Instances of
Up: Classes
Previous: Classes
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