Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

Map Displays

Map displays often provide further insights into patterns that vary according to region. In this plot we illustrate some basic colouring of a map. This can be used to translate a variable into a colour which is then plot for the state. We use the rainbow function to generate the bright colours to use to colour the states.


aus <- readShapePoly("australia.shp")
plot(aus, lwd=2, border="grey", xlim=c(115,155), ylim=c(-35,-20))
colours <- rainbow(8)
# Must be a better way than this....
nsw <- aus; nsw@plotOrder <- as.integer(c(2)); plot(nsw,col=colours[2],add=TRUE)
act <- aus; act@plotOrder <- as.integer(c(1)); plot(act,col=colours[1],add=TRUE)
nt  <- aus; nt@plotOrder  <- as.integer(c(3)); plot(nt, col=colours[3],add=TRUE)
qld <- aus; qld@plotOrder <- as.integer(c(4)); plot(qld,col=colours[4],add=TRUE)
sa  <- aus; sa@plotOrder  <- as.integer(c(5)); plot(sa, col=colours[5],add=TRUE)
tas <- aus; tas@plotOrder <- as.integer(c(6)); plot(tas,col=colours[6],add=TRUE)
vic <- aus; vic@plotOrder <- as.integer(c(7)); plot(vic,col=colours[7],add=TRUE)

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