Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

Oracle Data Mining

Having purchased one of the original data mining products (Darwin from Thinking Machines) Oracle Data Miner (ODMiner) has been built from the ground-up, and the data mining engine is integrated into the Oracle server. The Oracle Data Miner is a client-side tool that layers on this server engine. It provides a graphical user interface for data mining using wizards to guide a data miner through the data preparation, data mining, model evaluation, and model scoring process. As the data analyst transforms the data, builds models, and interprets results, Oracle Data Miner can automatically generate code needed to transform the data mining steps into an integrated data mining/BI application. All Oracle Data Mining functions are accessible by PL/SQL and/or Java APIs so you can develop enterprise BI applications on top of your Oracle Database. ODMimer generates Java code from Oracle Data Miner models and results.


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