Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#
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Example-Counting Change


Consider the problem a cashier solves every time he counts out some amount of currency. The cashier has at his disposal a collection of notes and coins of various denominations and is required to count out a specified sum using the smallest possible number of pieces.

The problem can be expressed mathematically as follows: Let there be n pieces of money (notes or coins), tex2html_wrap_inline67404, and let tex2html_wrap_inline63669 be the denomination of tex2html_wrap_inline57649. For example, if tex2html_wrap_inline57649 is a dime, then tex2html_wrap_inline67412. To count out a given sum of money A we find the smallest subset of P, say tex2html_wrap_inline67418, such that tex2html_wrap_inline67420.

One way to represent the subset S is to use n variables tex2html_wrap_inline67426, such that


Given tex2html_wrap_inline67428 our objective is to minimize


subject to the constraint


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Bruno Copyright © 2001 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.