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GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

Auto Mounting

Install autofs:

  $ wajig install autofs

This will create the relevant files in /var/autofs with default configuration file /etc/auto.master which references auto.misc and /etc/auto.net. You may want to create your own automount specification, so create a new file, perhaps /etc/auto.ktnet with something like:

  athens       -rw,hard,intr           athens:/ktnet/athens

Then edit /etc/auto.master to include just this file:

  /var/autofs/ktnet      /etc/auto.ktnet

Restart the autofs server:

  $ wajig restart autofs

Assuming NFS is set up appropriately, this will now automatically mount /var/autofs/ktnet/athens from the host Athens (104.7) whenever that folder is accessed.

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