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GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

Creating a New Project

To create a new project consisting of all files in the current working directory use:

  cvs import -m "Initial import" wajig kayon start

No commit is required after an import. Note that the files and subdirectories in the current directory will then be recognised as src/docs/spec. You can now remove the directory and use CVS to create a new one for you, with the new one now under CVS control:

  cvs co src/docs/spec

This will create the whole directory hierarchy as well so be sure to be at the root of the hierarchy where you want this new hierarchy to live.

To checkout a project from a remote host use:

  cvs -d :ext:[email protected]:/var/lib/cvs checkout src/docs

This will use rsh (set CVS_RSH to ssh to use ssh instead) to access the CVS server and checkout the src/docs directory.

To check out a project and give it a different local name:

  cvs checkout -d mydocs src/docs

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