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GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

External Beamer

When using with an external beamer the image originally shimmered. Under MS/Windows it reset the resolution on Alt-F8 toggle automatically (which seems like a nice idea) to bring it down from the 1600x1050 to whatever the projectors normally handle. And while the image was solid, it generated an image that did not fill the projectors full area.

The XOrg configuration was changed (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) to turn on Clone and to add the MonitorLayout option to show both the lcd and the crt:

  Section "Device"
          Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
          Driver          "i810"
          Option          "MonitorLayout" "CRT,LFP"
          Option          "Clone"         "true"

Once an external Beamer was connected a rock solid image resulted. The image was truncated at the edges but when displaying a slide show the slides were all visible!

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