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GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide
by Graham Williams

iRiver H340

An iRiver H340 was purchased April 2005. Can play ogg files. A very nice machine. See Section 61.4.5 for details on mounting the USB drive.

Firmware was upgraded 1 May 2005 to 1.28 K (Korean version) which also gave a new clock. This involved downloading H300kor-v128.zip from the iriver web site, extracting iRiverFirmwareVer1_28Korea.exe and then on a Windows box run this file to extract H300.hex. Transfer this across to the iRiver's root folder, then on the iRiver select the Control icon, and choose Upgrade Firmware. Turn the iRiver back on and you should see the updated version number, and should be able to set the time. Can now, apparently, also display movies.

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