Robert G. Brown
Duke University Physics Department
Durham, NC 27708-0305
[email protected]
Copyright Robert G. Brown, 24 May 2004 All rights reserved. No republication of this document in any form whatsoever is permitted without the written permission of the author.
NOTE WELL: This book is in a pretty much perpetual state of being written and rewritten. This is inevitable - technology changes rapidly, I'm busy, I write and then rewrite, add and take away. So you're about to look at a snapshot that could be different tomorrow. Not greatly different, but different. So look at the date: 24 May 2004, and check back accordingly.
Note also that the author is not to be held legally responsible for the accuracy of the content of this book. Read the Open Publication License at the end if you have any doubts or questions about what you can and cannot do (can print and use for own purposes or distribution at the cost of media, cannot reprint and sell for a profit without my permission, and getting my permission will likely involving giving me money, that sort of thing). Use this book at your own risk.