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GNU Octave Manual Version 3
by John W. Eaton, David Bateman, Søren Hauberg
Paperback (6"x9"), 568 pages
ISBN 095461206X
RRP £24.95 ($39.95)

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11.7.4 Function Locking

It is sometime desirable to lock a function into memory with the mlock function. This is typically used for dynamically linked functions in Oct-files or mex-files that contain some initialization, and it is desirable that calling clear does not remove this initialization.

As an example,

mlock ("my_function");

prevents my_function from being removed from memory, even if clear is called. It is possible to determine if a function is locked into memory with the mislocked, and to unlock a function with munlock, which the following illustrates.

mlock ("my_function");
mislocked ("my_function")
=> ans = 1
munlock ("my_function");
mislocked ("my_function")
=> ans = 0

A common use of mlock is to prevent persistent variables from being removed from memory, as the following example shows:

function count_calls()
  persistent calls = 0;
  printf ("'count_calls' has been called %d times\n",
mlock ("count_calls");

count_calls ();
-| 'count_calls' has been called 1 times

clear count_calls
count_calls ();
-| 'count_calls' has been called 2 times

It is, however, often inconvenient to lock a function from the prompt, so it is also possible to lock a function from within its body. This is simply done by calling mlock from within the function.

function count_calls ()
  mlock ();
  persistent calls = 0;
  printf ("'count_calls' has been called %d times\n",

mlock might equally be used to prevent changes to a function from having effect in Octave, though a similar effect can be had with the ignore_function_time_stamp function.

Built-in Function: mlock (name)
Lock the named function into memory. If no function is named then lock in the current function.

See also munlock, mislocked, persistent

Built-in Function: munlock (fcn)
Unlock the named function. If no function is named then unlock the current function.

See also mlock, mislocked, persistent

Built-in Function: mislocked (fcn)
Return true if the named function is locked. If no function is named then return true if the current function is locked.

See also mlock, munlock, persistent

ISBN 095461206XGNU Octave Manual Version 3See the print edition