GNU Octave Manual Version 3 by John W. Eaton, David Bateman, Søren Hauberg Paperback (6"x9"), 568 pages ISBN 095461206X RRP £24.95 ($39.95) |
24.2 Basic Statistical Functions
Octave also supports various helpful statistical functions.
- Function File: mahalanobis (x, y)
- Return the Mahalanobis' D-square distance between the multivariate samples x and y, which must have the same number of components (columns), but may have a different number of observations (rows).
- Function File: center (x)
- Function File: center (x, dim)
- If x is a vector, subtract its mean. If x is a matrix, do the above for each column. If the optional argument dim is given, perform the above operation along this dimension
- Function File: studentize (x, dim)
- If x is a vector, subtract its mean and divide by its standard
If x is a matrix, do the above along the first non-singleton dimension. If the optional argument dim is given then operate along this dimension.
- Function File: c = nchoosek (n, k)
Compute the binomial coefficient or all combinations of n. If n is a scalar then, calculate the binomial coefficient of n and k, defined as
/ \ | n | n (n-1) (n-2) ... (n-k+1) n! | | = ------------------------- = --------- | k | k! k! (n-k)! \ /
If n is a vector generate all combinations of the elements of n, taken k at a time, one row per combination. The resulting c has size
[nchoosek (length (n), k), k]
.See also bincoeff
- Function File: perms (v)
Generate all permutations of v, one row per permutation. The result has size
factorial (n) * n
, where n is the length of v.As an example,
perms([1, 2, 3])
returns the matrix1 2 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 1
- Function File: values (x)
- Return the different values in a column vector, arranged in ascending
As an example,
values([1, 2, 3, 1])
returns the vector[1, 2, 3]
- Function File: [t, l_x] = table (x)
- Function File: [t, l_x, l_y] = table (x, y)
- Create a contingency table t from data vectors. The l
vectors are the corresponding levels.
Currently, only 1- and 2-dimensional tables are supported.
- Function File: spearman (x, y)
- Compute Spearman's rank correlation coefficient rho for each of
the variables specified by the input arguments.
For matrices, each row is an observation and each column a variable; vectors are always observations and may be row or column vectors.
spearman (x)
is equivalent tospearman (x, x)
.For two data vectors x and y, Spearman's rho is the correlation of the ranks of x and y.
If x and y are drawn from independent distributions, rho has zero mean and variance
1 / (n - 1)
, and is asymptotically normally distributed.
- Function File: run_count (x, n)
- Count the upward runs along the first non-singleton dimension of x of length 1, 2, ..., n-1 and greater than or equal to n. If the optional argument dim is given operate along this dimension
- Function File: ranks (x, dim)
- If x is a vector, return the (column) vector of ranks of
x adjusted for ties.
If x is a matrix, do the above for along the first non-singleton dimension. If the optional argument dim is given, operate along this dimension.
- Function File: range (x)
- Function File: range (x, dim)
- If x is a vector, return the range, i.e., the difference
between the maximum and the minimum, of the input data.
If x is a matrix, do the above for each column of x.
If the optional argument dim is supplied, work along dimension dim.
- Function File: probit (p)
- For each component of p, return the probit (the quantile of the standard normal distribution) of p.
- Function File: logit (p)
- For each component of p, return the logit of p defined as
logit(p) = log (p / (1-p))
- Function File: cloglog (x)
- Return the complementary log-log function of x, defined as
cloglog(x) = - log (- log (x))
- Function File: kendall (x, y)
- Compute Kendall's tau for each of the variables specified by
the input arguments.
For matrices, each row is an observation and each column a variable; vectors are always observations and may be row or column vectors.
kendall (x)
is equivalent tokendall (x, x)
.For two data vectors x, y of common length n, Kendall's tau is the correlation of the signs of all rank differences of x and y; i.e., if both x and y have distinct entries, then
1 tau = ------- SUM sign (q(i) - q(j)) * sign (r(i) - r(j)) n (n-1) i,j
in which the q(i) and r(i)
are the ranks of x and y, respectively.
If x and y are drawn from independent distributions, Kendall's tau is asymptotically normal with mean 0 and variance
(2 * (2n+5)) / (9 * n * (n-1))
- Function File: iqr (x, dim)
- If x is a vector, return the interquartile range, i.e., the
difference between the upper and lower quartile, of the input data.
If x is a matrix, do the above for first non-singleton dimension of x. If the option dim argument is given, then operate along this dimension.
- Function File: cut (x, breaks)
- Create categorical data out of numerical or continuous data by
cutting into intervals.
If breaks is a scalar, the data is cut into that many equal-width intervals. If breaks is a vector of break points, the category has
length (breaks) - 1
groups.The returned value is a vector of the same size as x telling which group each point in x belongs to. Groups are labelled from 1 to the number of groups; points outside the range of breaks are labelled by
ISBN 095461206X | GNU Octave Manual Version 3 | See the print edition |