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GNU Octave Manual Version 3
by John W. Eaton, David Bateman, Søren Hauberg
Paperback (6"x9"), 568 pages
ISBN 095461206X
RRP £24.95 ($39.95)

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D.4 Where to Report Bugs

If you have Octave working at all, the easiest way to prepare a complete bug report is to use the Octave function bug_report. When you execute this function, Octave will prompt you for a subject and then invoke the editor on a file that already contains all the configuration information. When you exit the editor, Octave will mail the bug report for you.

If for some reason you cannot use Octave's bug_report function, send bug reports for Octave to bug at octave.org.

Do not send bug reports to ‘help-octave’. Most users of Octave do not want to receive bug reports. Those that do have asked to be on the mailing list.

As a last resort, send bug reports on paper to:

Octave Bugs c/o John W. Eaton
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Chemical Engineering
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, Wisconsin 53706  USA
ISBN 095461206XGNU Octave Manual Version 3See the print edition