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How to Think Like a Computer Scientist |
Appendix A
Different kinds of errors can occur
in a program, and it is useful to distinguish among them
in order to track them down more quickly:
- Syntax errors are produced by Python when it is
translating the source code into byte code. They usually
indicate that there is something wrong with the syntax of the program.
Example: Omitting the colon at the end of a def statement yields
the somewhat redundant message SyntaxError: invalid syntax.
- Runtime errors are produced by the runtime system if something
goes wrong while the program is running. Most runtime error messages
include information about where the error occurred and what functions
were executing.
Example: An infinite recursion eventually causes
a runtime error of "maximum recursion depth exceeded."
- Semantic errors are problems with a program that compiles and
runs but doesn't do the right thing. Example: An expression may
not be evaluated in the order you expect, yielding an unexpected
The first step in debugging is to figure out which kind of
error you are dealing with. Although the following sections are
organized by error type, some techniques are
applicable in more than one situation.
Syntax errors
Syntax errors are usually easy to fix once you figure out what they
are. Unfortunately, the error messages are often not helpful.
The most common messages are SyntaxError: invalid syntax and
SyntaxError: invalid token, neither of which is very informative.
On the other hand, the message does tell you where in the program the
problem occurred. Actually, it tells you where Python
noticed a problem, which is not necessarily where the error
is. Sometimes the error is prior to the location of the error
message, often on the preceding line.
If you are building the program incrementally, you should have
a good idea about where the error is. It will be in the last
line you added.
If you are copying code from a book, start by comparing
your code to the book's code very carefully. Check every character.
At the same time, remember that the book might be wrong, so
if you see something that looks like a syntax error, it might be.
Here are some ways to avoid the most common syntax errors:
- Make sure you are not using a Python keyword for a variable name.
- Check that you have a colon at the end of the header of every
compound statement, including for, while,
if, and def statements.
- Check that indentation is consistent. You may indent with either
spaces or tabs but it's best not to mix them. Each level should be
nested the same amount.
- Make sure that any strings in the code have matching
quotation marks.
- If you have multiline strings with triple quotes (single or double), make
sure you have terminated the string properly. An unterminated string
may cause an invalid token error at the end of your program,
or it may treat the following part of the program as a string until it
comes to the next string. In the second case, it might not produce an error
message at all!
- An unclosed bracket
(, {, or [ makes
Python continue with the next line as part of the current statement.
Generally, an error occurs almost immediately in the next line.
- Check for the classic = instead of == inside
a conditional.
If nothing works, move on to the next section...
I can't get my program to run no matter
what I do.
If the compiler says there is an error and you don't see it, that
might be because you and the compiler are not looking at the same
code. Check your programming environment to make sure that the
program you are editing is the one Python is trying to run. If you
are not sure, try putting an obvious and deliberate syntax error at
the beginning of the program. Now run (or import) it again. If the
compiler doesn't find the new error, there is probably something wrong
with the way your environment is set up.
If this happens, one approach is to start again with a new
program like "Hello, World!," and make sure you can get a known
program to run. Then gradually add the pieces of the new program
to the working one.
Runtime errors
Once your program is syntactically correct,
Python can import it and at least start running it. What could
possibly go wrong?
My program does absolutely nothing.
This problem is most common when your file consists of functions and classes
but does not actually invoke anything to start execution. This may be
intentional if you only plan to import this module to supply classes
and functions.
If it is not intentional, make sure that you
are invoking a function to start execution, or execute one from
the interactive prompt. Also see the "Flow of Execution" section
My program hangs.
If a program stops and seems to be doing nothing, we
say it is "hanging." Often that means that it is caught in
an infinite loop or an infinite recursion.
- If there is a particular loop that you suspect is the
problem, add a print statement immediately before the loop that says
"entering the loop" and another immediately after that says
"exiting the loop."
Run the program. If you get the first message and not the second,
you've got an infinite loop. Go to the "Infinite Loop" section
- Most of the time, an infinite recursion will cause the program
to run for a while and then produce a "RuntimeError: Maximum
recursion depth exceeded" error. If that happens, go to the
"Infinite Recursion" section below.
If you are not getting this error but you suspect there is a problem
with a recursive method or function, you can still use the techniques
in the "Infinite Recursion" section.
- If neither of those steps works, start testing other
loops and other recursive functions and methods.
- If that doesn't work, then it is possible that
you don't understand the flow of execution in your program.
Go to the "Flow of Execution" section below.
Infinite Loop
If you think you have an infinite loop and you think you know
what loop is causing the problem, add a print statement at
the end of the loop that prints the values of the variables in
the condition and the value of the condition.
For example:
while x > 0 and y < 0 :
# do something to x
# do something to y
print "x: ", x
print "y: ", y
print "condition: ", (x > 0 and y < 0)
Now when you run the program, you will see three lines of output
for each time through the loop. The last time through the
loop, the condition should be false. If the loop keeps
going, you will be able to see the values of x and y,
and you might figure out why they are not being updated correctly.
Infinite Recursion
Most of the time, an infinite recursion will cause the program to run
for a while and then produce a Maximum recursion depth exceeded
If you suspect that a function or method is causing an infinite
recursion, start by checking to make sure that there is a base case.
In other words, there should be some condition that will cause the
function or method to return without making a recursive invocation.
If not, then you need to rethink the algorithm and identify a base
If there is a base case but the program doesn't seem to be reaching
it, add a print statement at the beginning of the function or method
that prints the parameters. Now when you run the program, you will see
a few lines of output every time the function or method is invoked,
and you will see the parameters. If the parameters are not moving
toward the base case, you will get some ideas about why not.
Flow of Execution
If you are not sure how the flow of execution is moving through
your program, add print statements to the beginning of each
function with a message like "entering function foo," where
foo is the name of the function.
Now when you run the program, it will print a trace of each
function as it is invoked.
When I run the program I get an exception.
If something goes wrong during runtime, Python
prints a message that includes the name of the
exception, the line of the program where the problem occurred,
and a traceback.
The traceback identifies the function that is currently running,
and then the function that invoked it, and then the function that
invoked that, and so on. In other words, it traces the
path of function invocations that got you to where you are. It
also includes the line number in your file where each of these
calls occurs.
The first step is to examine the place in the program where
the error occurred and see if you can figure out what happened.
These are some of the most common runtime errors:
- NameError
- You are trying to use a variable that doesn't
exist in the current environment.
Remember that local variables are local. You
cannot refer to them from outside the function where they are defined.
- TypeError
- There are several possible causes:
- You are trying to use a value improperly. Example: indexing
a string, list, or tuple with something other than an integer.
- There is a mismatch between the items in a format string and
the items passed for conversion. This can happen if either the number
of items does not match or an invalid conversion is called for.
- You are passing the wrong number of arguments to a function or method.
For methods, look at the method definition and
check that the first parameter is self. Then look at the
method invocation; make sure you are invoking the method on an
object with the right type and providing the other arguments
- KeyError
- You are trying to access an element of a dictionary
using a key value that the dictionary does not contain.
- AttributeError
- You are trying to access an attribute or method
that does not exist.
- IndexError
- The index you are using
to access a list, string, or tuple is greater than
its length minus one. Immediately before the site of the error,
add a print statement to display
the value of the index and the length of the array.
Is the array the right size? Is the index the right value?
I added so many print statements I get inundated with
One of the problems with using print statements for debugging
is that you can end up buried in output. There are two ways
to proceed: simplify the output or simplify the program.
To simplify the output, you can remove or comment out print
statements that aren't helping, or combine them, or format
the output so it is easier to understand.
To simplify the program, there are several things you can do. First,
scale down the problem the program is working on. For example, if you
are sorting an array, sort a small array. If the program takes
input from the user, give it the simplest input that causes the
Second, clean up the program. Remove dead code and reorganize the
program to make it as easy to read as possible. For example, if you
suspect that the problem is in a deeply nested part of the program,
try rewriting that part with simpler structure. If you suspect a
large function, try splitting it into smaller functions and testing them
Often the process of finding the minimal test case leads you
to the bug. If you find that a program works
in one situation but not in another,
that gives you a clue about what is going on.
Similarly, rewriting a piece of code can help you find subtle
bugs. If you make a change that you think doesn't affect the
program, and it does, that can tip you off.
Semantic errors
In some ways, semantic errors are the hardest to debug,
because the compiler and the runtime system provide no information
about what is wrong. Only you know what the program is supposed to
do, and only you know that it isn't doing it.
The first step is to make a connection between the program
text and the behavior you are seeing. You need a hypothesis
about what the program is actually doing. One of the things
that makes that hard is that computers run so fast.
You will often wish that you could slow the program down to human
speed, and with some debuggers you can. But the time it takes to
insert a few well-placed print statements is often short compared to
setting up the debugger, inserting and removing breakpoints, and
"walking" the program to where the error is occurring.
My program doesn't work.
You should ask yourself these questions:
- Is there something the program was supposed to do but
which doesn't seem to be happening? Find the section of the code
that performs that function and make sure it is executing when
you think it should.
- Is something happening that shouldn't? Find code in
your program that performs that function and see if it is
executing when it shouldn't.
- Is a section of code producing an effect that is not
what you expected? Make sure that you understand the code in
question, especially if it involves invocations to functions or methods in
other Python modules. Read the documentation for the functions you invoke.
Try them out by writing simple test cases and checking the results.
In order to program, you need to have a mental model of how
programs work. If you write a program that doesn't do what you expect,
very often the problem is not in the program; it's in your mental
The best way to correct your mental model is to break the program
into its components (usually the functions and methods) and test
each component independently. Once you find the discrepancy
between your model and reality, you can solve the problem.
Of course, you should be building and testing components as you
develop the program. If you encounter a problem,
there should be only a small amount of new code
that is not known to be correct.
I've got a big hairy expression and it doesn't
do what I expect.
Writing complex expressions is fine as long as they are readable,
but they can be hard to debug. It is often a good idea to
break a complex expression into a series of assignments to
temporary variables.
For example:
self.hands[i].addCard (self.hands[self.findNeighbor(i)].popCard())
This can be rewritten as:
neighbor = self.findNeighbor (i)
pickedCard = self.hands[neighbor].popCard()
self.hands[i].addCard (pickedCard)
The explicit version is easier to read because the variable
names provide additional documentation, and it is easier to debug
because you can check the types of the intermediate variables
and display their values.
Another problem that can occur with big expressions is
that the order of evaluation may not be what you expect.
For example, if you are translating the expression
into Python, you might write:
y = x / 2 * math.pi
That is not correct because multiplication and division have
the same precedence and are evaluated from left to right.
So this expression computes x pi / 2.
A good way to debug expressions is to add parentheses to make
the order of evaluation explicit:
y = x / (2 * math.pi)
Whenever you are not sure of the order of evaluation, use
parentheses. Not only will the program be correct (in the sense
of doing what you intended), it will also be more readable for
other people who haven't memorized the rules of precedence.
I've got a function or method that doesn't return what I
If you have a return statement with a complex expression,
you don't have a chance to print the return value before
returning. Again, you can use a temporary variable. For
example, instead of:
return self.hands[i].removeMatches()
you could write:
count = self.hands[i].removeMatches()
return count
Now you have the opportunity to display the value of
count before returning.
I'm really, really stuck and I need help.
First, try getting away from the computer for a few minutes.
Computers emit waves that affect the brain, causing these
- Frustration and/or rage.
- Superstitious beliefs ("the computer hates me") and
magical thinking ("the program only works when I wear my
hat backward").
- Random-walk programming (the attempt to program by writing
every possible program and choosing the one that does the right
If you find yourself suffering from any of these symptoms, get
up and go for a walk. When you are calm, think about the program.
What is it doing? What are some possible causes of that
behavior? When was the last time you had a working program,
and what did you do next?
Sometimes it just takes time to find a bug. We often find bugs
when we are away from the computer and let our minds wander. Some
of the best places to find bugs are trains, showers, and in bed,
just before you fall asleep.
No, I really need help.
It happens. Even the best programmers occasionally get stuck.
Sometimes you work on a program so long that you can't see the
error. A fresh pair of eyes is just the thing.
Before you bring someone else in, make sure you have exhausted
the techniques described here. Your program should be as simple
as possible, and you should be working on the smallest input
that causes the error. You should have print statements in the
appropriate places (and the output they produce should be
comprehensible). You should understand the problem well enough
to describe it concisely.
When you bring someone in to help, be sure to give
them the information they need:
- If there is an error message, what is it
and what part of the program does it indicate?
- What was the last thing you did before this error occurred?
What were the last lines of code that you wrote, or what is
the new test case that fails?
- What have you tried so far, and what have you learned?
When you find the bug, take a second to think about what you
could have done to find it faster. Next time you see something
similar, you will be able to find the bug more quickly.
Remember, the goal is not just to make the program
work. The goal is to learn how to make the program work.
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How to Think Like a Computer Scientist |