Do you think that pressing the "enter" key can be un-done by pressing the "delete" key?

A good answer might be:

No. Pressing "enter" signals that the user has an acceptable line of characters.

Numeric Input

Here is another run of the program:

Enter the data:
Columbus sailed in 1492.
You entered:Columbus sailed in 1492.

Notice that the characters '1', '4', '9', and '2' were read in and written out just as were the other characters. Now consider yet another run:

Enter the data:
You entered:1492

Nothing special here. The '1', '4', '9', and '2' are still characters. If you want the user to enter numeric data, your program must convert from character data to a numeric type. The characters are first read into a String object. Then the String object is converted into a numeric type. This is done using a wrapper class.


What is the wrapper class for the primitive numeric type int?