Will pointA.equals(pointB) return the same true/false value as pointB.equals(pointA) ?

A good answer might be:



Perhaps you would like to practice? Assume that each row is independent of the others.

code sectionpointA == pointB pointA.equals( pointB )
Point pointA = new Point( );
Point pointB = new Point( 0, 0 );
Point pointA = new Point( 21, 17 );
Point pointB = pointA;
Point pointA = new Point( 21, 17 );
Point pointB = new Point( 7*3, 20-3 );
Point pointA = new Point( 21, 17 );
Point pointB = new Point( pointA );
Point pointA = new Point( 21, 17 );
Point pointB = new Point( 21, 17 );
pointA.move( 8, 12 );


Do you imagine that professional programmers ever get == and "equals" confused?