A good answer might be:

The revised class is seen below.

Choice of Methods

Now objects of the YouthBirthday class have two methods: greeting(), and greeting( String ).

// Revised version
class YouthBirthday  extends Birthday

  public  YouthBirthday ( String r, int years )
    super ( r, years )

  // additional method---does not override parent's method
  public void greeting( String  sender )
    System.out.println("How you have grown!!\n");
    System.out.println("Love, " + sender +"\n" );

Here is a YouthBirthday object using each of its two methods:

YouthBirthday yBday = new YouthBirthday( "Henry", 12 );
yBday.greeting( "Alice" );


What will this program fragment write out?