A good answer might be:

main() calls MethodA
MethodA calls parseInt()
parseInt() throws a NumberFormatException.
MethodA catches the exception and prints "Bad Input Data!!"
The return statement executes.
Control returns to main().

Example Outputs

Here is the output of the program when the user enters "0". The stack trace is a "snapshop" of the situation at the time of the exception:

Enter the divisor:
Division by zero!!
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
        at BuckPasser.methodB(BuckPasser.java:9)
        at BuckPasser.methodA(BuckPasser.java:32)
        at BuckPasser.main(BuckPasser.java:51)

Here is the output of the program when the user enters "Rats".

Enter the divisor:
Bad Input Data!!
java.lang.NumberFormatException: rats
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:409)
        at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:458)
        at BuckPasser.methodA(BuckPasser.java:21)
        at BuckPasser.main(BuckPasser.java:51)

If you have saved the program to a file, change it so that main() is where both types of exceptions are caught and handled. Then change it so that each method catches its own exceptions. There are several other variations you may think of and try.


Does the stack trace show the situation: