
Nearly, but there are differences.

Skip this Page (unless you have Windows 95)

Windows 95 Version:

  1. Start Notepad.
  2. COPY: Copy the program into the clipboard.
    1. In the browser window (this window), put the mouse pointer on the "c" of "class".
    2. Push down on the left mouse button, then drag down until the final "}" of the program is covered.
    3. Lift up on the mouse button.
    4. Click on the "Edit" menu of the browser and then click on "Copy". This makes a copy of the program in the clipboard, a section of the computer's main memory.
  3. PASTE: Click inside the Notepad window to make it active. Go to its "Edit" menu and click on "paste." You should now have have a copy of the program in Notepad.
  4. SAVE: Click on the "File" menu of Notepad and "Save As"
    • You will have to "navigate" to the subdirectory you wish to use.
  5. Start up a DOS window.
  6. In the DOS window, use the CD command to go to the subdirectory that holds the file.
    • In this example, C:\Temp will be used.
  7. RUN: Run the program:
    1. In the DOS window. Do a DIR to check that is there.
    2. Compile the program: C:\Temp> javac
    3. Run the program: C:\Temp> java HelloPlanets
  8. Exit DOS: type "exit" at the DOS prompt.


(Review:) How can Notepad be started?