
Expression 16 - 12 / 4 2 + 6 / 2 8 + 4*2 8+4 * 2 12/2 - 3 6/8 + 2
Value? 13 5 16 16 3 2

The last result is correct. First 6/8 is done using integer division, resulting in 0. Then that 0 is added to 2.

Evaluation by Rewriting

When evaluating an expression, it can be helpful to do it one step at a time and to rewrite the expression after each step. Look at:

16 - 12 / 4

Do the division first, since it has highest precedence. Next, rewrite the expression replacing the division with its value:

16 - 3

Now evaluate the resulting expression:


You can write the process like this:

16 - 12 / 4
16 -    3

The dashed lines show what was done at each step.


What is the value of the following expression?

24 / 2  - 8