
Of course.

New, Improved Restaurant Program

Let us practice programming logic a little. Modify the program so the user enters cost of the meal and the percentage for the tip. Then the program calculates and prints the total cost.

This time, there are no blanks to fill. Your job is to figure out how to change the program by inserting the following statements and parts of statements (not given in order). Do this by copying and pasting.


System.out.print("Enter the tip percentage: ");

double tipPercent;

tipPercent = scan.nextDouble();

If you want, once you are done, you can copy and paste the program into Notepad and save to a file which you can then compile and run.


Copy and Paste (control-C and control-V). Hint: you can replace part of the text by highlighting it and then pasting. What you have previously copied will replace the highlighted part.