
What is the meaning of 7.0E-2 ?

The "E-2" part means 10-2 which is 0.01, so the complete expression means 0.07

Adding Two Doubles

Here is the start on a program that asks the user for two doubles, adds them together, and writes out the result.

import*; import java.util.Scanner; class AddDoubles { public static void main (String[] args) { double first, second, sum; Scanner scan = new Scanner( ); // Read in the first double System.out.print("Enter the first double:"); first = scan.nextDouble(); // Read in the second double // Compute the sum and write it out } }

Fill the blanks to complete the program. (Do this by clicking in a blank and typing. Nothing special happens when you fill the blanks They are just there to give you a place to type.)


Fill in the blanks.