
Yes. It is nice to check these cases out in advance before you start writing the program.

Starting the Program


Here is a start to the program.

import  java.util.Scanner;

// User enters integer N.  
// The program calculates N factorial.
class factorial
  public static void main (String[] args ) 
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( );
    long N, fact = 1; 

    System.out.print( "Enter N: " );
    N = scan.nextLong();

    if (  )
      while (   )    

      System.out.println( "factorial is " + fact );
      System.out.println("N must be zero or greater");

Notice how the program matches the flowchart, especially how the while statement is nested in the true branch of the if statement. The indenting (and the braces {} show this structure).


Fill in the four blanks to complete the program. Here are some phrases you might use:

N >= 0    N > 1  N = N - 1  fact = fact*N