
The blanks are filled in in the program below.

Near-complete Program

Make sure that you used the right operator in the conditional expression part of the if statement.

import java.util.Scanner;

class ComboLock
  public static void main ( String[] args )  
    int lockFirst = 6, lockSecond = 12, 
        lockThird = 30;  // The combination
    int numb;            // a user-entered number

    Scanner scan = new Scanner( );

    boolean correct = true;

    //First Number
    System.out.print("Enter first number: ");
    numb  = scan.nextInt();

    if ( numb != lockFirst ) // numb NOT EQUAL to lockFirst 
      correct = false ;

    //Second Number

    //Third Number

    if ( correct )
      System.out.println("Lock opens");
      System.out.println("Lock does not open");

The program needs to deal with the next two numbers of the combination.


Decide on a general stategy for completing the program.