
Use a counting loop with a counter from 1 to 1000. The loop body would use a single Random object to pick random X and Y locations for the center of the circles.

Thousands of Circles

Here is a start on this idea:

// assume that the drawing area is 400 by 400
public class ThousandCircles extends JApplet
  Circle circ = new Circle();
  Random rand =  ;
  public void paint ( Graphics gr )

    circ.setRadius(  5 );
    circ.setColor( );
    int count = 1;
    while ( count <= 1000 )

      int x =  ;
      int y =  ;

      circ.setPosition( x, y );
      circ.draw( gr );

      count = count + 1;

To make sure that each circle completely fits within the applet drawing area, make sure that each center's x and y is at least a distance of 5 (the radius) away from an edge. But let us not do that.


Complete the applet by filling in the blanks. The drawing area is going to be 400 by 400.