
(4 < 8 ) || (  8 < 0 ) || ( 100 > 45 )

.... evaluation stops with the first true and the entire expression is true.

Cascade of || Operators

The || operator also has left to right associativity. In other words, it works like you expect. When an expression has several ||'s look for a true starting from the left and going toward the right. The first true stops the evaluation and causes the entire expression to be true. If every operand is false then every operand is evaluated and the entire expression is false.

When there are possible side effects it is important to understand that evaluation goes from left to right, as explained above. If there are no side effects (as in the expression used for the question) it doesn't really matter.


What is the value of:

Math.sin( 0.5 ) >= Math.tan( 0.2 ) || 43.259 / 12.073 > 3.5 || ( 100 > 45 )