
Indexes for a list start at 0, just as do arrays.

Summary List<E> Interface

Here is a summary of the List<E> Interface. For the full interface see your Java documentation.

Interface List<E>

boolean add(E elt)  Appends element elt to the end of the list. 

void add(int index, E elt) Inserts element elt at the specified index.

E get(int index)  Returns a reference to the element at the specified index.

int indexOf(Object elem) Searches for the first occurence of elem, 
                         testing for equality using the equals(Object) method. 

E set(int index, E elt) Replaces the element at index with the specified element elt. 

. . . many others . . .

The methods are described in terms of the type reference to E that the list contains.


Say that you have an ArrayList of references to String. What does the add() method look like?