2. Your Feedback

We didn't write this book so we could send off a Word document to our publisher and go to a launch party to congratulate ourselves on a job well done. This book isn't "done"; in fact, this book will never be completely "done". The subject it covers is constantly changing and expanding, and we consider this work an ongoing conversation with the community. Publishing the book means that the real work has just begun, and you, as a reader, play a pivotal role to helping to maintain and improve this book. If you see something in this book that is wrong: a spelling mistake, some bad code, a blatant lie, then you should tell us, send us an email at: [email protected].

The ongoing relevance of this book depends upon your feedback. We want to know what works and what doesn't work. We want to know if there is any information you couldn't understand. We especially want to know if you think that the book is awful. Positive or negative comments are all welcome. Of course, we reserve the right to disagree, but all feedback will be rewarded with a gracious response.