Recipe 17.16. Restarting a Server on Demand

Perl Cookbook

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17.16. Restarting a Server on Demand


You want your server to shutdown and restart when it receives a HUP signal, just like inetd or httpd .


Catch the SIGHUP signal, and re-execute your program:

$SELF = "/usr/local/libexec/myd";   # which program I am
@ARGS = qw(-l /var/log/myd -d);     # program arguments

$SIG{HUP} = \&phoenix;

sub phoenix {
    # close all your connections, kill your children, and
    # generally prepare to be reincarnated with dignity.
    exec($SELF, @ARGS)              or die "Couldn't restart: $!\n";


It sure looks simple ("when I get a HUP signal, restart") but it's tricky. You must know your own program name, and that isn't easy to find out. You could use $0 or the FindBin module. For normal programs, this is fine, but critical system utilities must be more cautious, as there's no guarantee that $0 is valid. You can hardcode the filename and arguments into your program, as we do here. That's not necessarily the most convenient solution, however, so you might want to read the program and arguments from an external file (using the filesystem's protections to ensure it hasn't been tampered with).

Be sure and install your signal handler after you define $SELF and @ARGS, otherwise there's a race condition when a SIGHUP could run restart but you don't know the program to run. This would cause your program to die.

Some servers don't want restart on receiving a SIGHUP - they just want to reread their configuration file.

$CONFIG_FILE = "/usr/local/etc/myprog/";
$SIG{HUP} = \&read_config;
sub read_config {
    do $CONFIG_FILE;

Some clever servers even autoload their configuration files when they notice that those files have been updated. That way you don't have to go out of your way to signal them.

See Also

The exec function in Chapter 3 of Programming Perl and in perlfunc (1); Recipe 8.16; Recipe 8.17; Recipe 16.15

Previous: 17.15. Making a Daemon ServerPerl CookbookNext: 17.17. Program: backsniff
17.15. Making a Daemon ServerBook Index17.17. Program: backsniff