[Chapter 3] 3.8 Exercises

Learning Perl

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3.8 Exercises

See Appendix A, Exercise Answers for answers.

  1. Write a program that reads a list of strings on separate lines and prints out the list in reverse order. If you're reading the list from the terminal, you'll probably need to delimit the end of the list by pressing your end-of-file character, probably CTRL-D under UNIX or Plan 9; often CTRL-Z elsewhere.

  2. Write a program that reads a number and then a list of strings (all on separate lines), and then prints one of the lines from the list as selected by the number.

  3. Write a program that reads a list of strings and then selects and prints a random string from the list. To select a random element of @somearray, put


    at the beginning of your program (this initializes the random-number generator), and then use


    where you need a random value between zero and one less than the length of @somearray.

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3.7 Variable Interpolation of ArraysBook Index4. Control Structures