[Chapter 4] 4.7 Exercises

Learning Perl on Win32 Systems

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4.7 Exercises

See Appendix A, Exercise Answers for answers.

  1. Write a program that asks for the temperature outside, and prints "too hot" if the temperature is above 72, and "too cold" otherwise.

  2. Modify the program from the previous exercise so that it prints "too hot" if the temperature is above 75, "too cold" if the temperature is below 68, and "just right!" if it is between 68 and 75.

  3. Write a program that reads a list of numbers (on separate lines) until the number 999 is read, and then prints the total of all the numbers added together. (Be sure not to add in the 999!) For example, if you enter 1, 2, 3, and 999, the program should reply with the answer of 6 (1+2+3).

  4. Write a program that reads in a list of strings on separate lines and then prints out the list of strings in reverse order - without using reverse on the list. (Recall that <STDIN> will read a list of strings on separate lines when used in an array context.)

  5. Write a program that prints a table of numbers and their squares from 0 to 32. Try to come up with a way in which you don't need to have all the numbers from 0 to 32 in a list, and then try a way in which you do. (For nice looking output,

     printf "%5g %8g\n", $a, $b

    prints $a as a five-column number and $b as an eight-column number.)

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4.6 The foreach StatementBook Index5. Hashes