[Chapter 8] 8.108 Math::Trig

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8.108 Math::Trig

Defines many trigonometric functions not defined by the core Perl, plus the constant pi and some additional functions for converting angles. For example:

use Math::Trig;
$x = tan(0.9);
$halfpi = pi/2;
The following functions are defined. A slash (/) between two functions means the values are aliases.

acsc/acosec, asec, acot/acotan

Arcus cofunctions of sine, cosine, and tangent

acsch/acosech, asech, acoth/acotanh

Arcus cofunctions of hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent

asin, acos, atan

Arcus (inverse) functions of sine, cosine, and tangent

asinh, acosh, atanh

Arcus functions of hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent

atan2(y, x)

Principal value of arc tangent of y/x

csc/cosec, sec, cot/cotan

Cofunctions of sine, cosine, and tangent

csch/cosech, sech, coth/cotanh

Cofunctions of hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent


Degrees to radians


Degrees to gradians


Gradians to degrees


Gradians to radians


The trigonometric constant pi


Radians to degrees


Radians to gradians

sinh, cosh, tanh

Hyperbolic sine, cosine, and tangent



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