[Chapter 19] 19.11 Win32::NetResource

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19.11 Win32::NetResource

The Win32::NetResource module allows you to manage shared resources on a network, such as printers, disks, etc. Two data structures are used to provide or store information for many of the NetResource functions. The first is the share_info hash. This hash contains parameters for setting up a share, using the following structure:

%share_info = (
      netname       => "name of share",
      type          => "type of share",
      remark        => "a string comment",
      permissions   => "permissions value",
      maxusers      => "the max number of users",
      current-users => "the current number of users",
      path          => "the path of the share",
      passwd        => "password, if required"
A netresource data structure contains information about the shared resource or device. It has the following structure:
%netresource = (
      'Scope'       => "Scope of a resource connection (see table below for 
      'Type'        => "The type of resource (see table below)",
      'DisplayType' => "How the resource should be displayed (see table 
      'Usage'       => "How the resource should be used",
      'LocalName'   => "Name of the local device the resource is connected 
      'RemoteName'  => "Network name of the resource",
      'Comment'     => "Comment string",
      'Provider'    => "Provider of the resource"
The first three elements of the netresource hash contain values described in the following tables. The Scope value can be one of the following:
RESOURCE_CONNECTED   Resource is already connected.
RESOURCE_REMEMBERED  Resource is reconnected each time the user logs on.
RESOURCE_GLOBALNET   Resource is available to the entire network.
The Type element takes one of the following values:
RESOURCETYPE_ANY     All resources
RESOURCETYPE_DISK    Disk resources
RESOURCETYPE_PRINT   Print resources
The Display element can be one of these values:
RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN    The object is displayed as a domain. 
RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER    The object is displayed as a server.
RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE     The object is displayed as a sharepoint.
RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE     The resource can be connected to a local device.
RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER       The resource contains more resources.
The functions in Win32::NetResource use the share_info and netresource structures as input and output arguments. These arguments are used in the description of the functions below; you should name them whatever you want.

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