Reference: jre

UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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/usr/java/bin/jre [options] class [arguments]

Solaris only. Java Runtime Environment. This program actually executes compiled Java files.


-classpath path

Use path as the search path for class files, overriding $CLASSPATH. path is a colon-separated list of directories.

-cp pathlist

Prepend one or more paths to the value of $CLASSPATH. Use a colon-separated list when supplying multiple paths. Components may be either directories or full pathnames to files to be executed.


Redefine the value of prop to be val. This option may be used any number of times.


Print a usage message.

-ms size

Set the initial size of the heap to size, which is in bytes. Append k or m to specify kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.

-mx size

Set the maximum size of the heap to size, which is in bytes. Append k or m to specify kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.


Disable asynchronous garbage collection.


Disable garbage collection of Java classes.


Don't do JIT ("just in time") compilation; use the default interpreter instead.


Disable verification.

-oss size

Set the maximum stack size of Java code in a Java thread. Append k or m to specify kilobytes or megabytes, respectively. The default maximum size is 400KB.

-ss size

Set the maximum stack size of C code in a Java thread. Append k or m to specify kilobytes or megabytes, respectively. The default maximum size is 128KB.

-v, -verbose

Print a message to standard output each time a class file is loaded.


Print a message every time the garbage collector frees memory.


Run the byte-code verifier on all code. Note that this only verifies byte-codes that are actually executed.


Run the verifier on all code loaded via a classloader. This is the default when interpreting.

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