Reference: delta

UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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delta [options] files

Incorporate changes (add a delta) to one or more SCCS files. delta stores changes made to a text file retrieved by get -e and then edited. delta normally removes the text file.



Use diff instead of bdiff to find the changes. Solaris only.


Ignore deltas whose SCCS IDs (version numbers) are specified in the comma-separated list. Use - to supply a range; e.g., 1.3,2.1-2.5.


Supply a list of modification request numbers as reasons for creating new deltas. -m is useful only when admin has set the v flag for file. If -m is omitted, the terminal displays MRs? as an input prompt.


Do not remove the edited file (extracted by get -e) after execution of delta.


Print a diff-style listing of delta changes to file.


Delta version number that identifies file. -r is needed only when more than one version of an SCCS file is being edited simultaneously.


Suppress printing of new SID and other delta information.


Insert string as a comment describing why the delta was made. If -y is omitted, the terminal displays comments? as an input prompt.

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