[Chapter 16] 16.13 Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name

UNIX Power Tools

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16.13 Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name

What's wrong here?

% ls
afile    exefiles   j       toobig
% lpr afile
lpr: afile: No such file or directory

Huh?? ls shows that the file is there, doesn't it? Try using:

-v -t -e 

% ls -l | cat -v -t -e
total 89$
-rw-rw-rw-  1 jerry          28 Mar  7 19:46 afile $
-rw-r--r--  1 root        25179 Mar  4 20:34 exefiles$
-rw-rw-rw-  1 jerry         794 Mar  7 14:23 j$
-rw-r--r--  1 root          100 Mar  5 18:24 toobig$

The cat -e option marks the ends of lines with a $. Notice that afile has a $ out past the start of the column. Aha... the filename ends with a space. Whitespace characters like TABs have the same problem, though the default ls -q (16.14) option (on many UNIX versions) shows them as ? if you're using a terminal.

To rename afile , giving it a name without the space, type:

% mv "afile " afile

The quotes (8.14) tell the shell to include the space as part of the first argument it passes to mv. The same quoting works for other UNIX commands like rm, too.

- JP

Previous: 16.12 Useful ls Aliases UNIX Power ToolsNext: 16.14 Showing Non-Printable Characters in Filenames
16.12 Useful ls Aliases Book Index16.14 Showing Non-Printable Characters in Filenames

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