[Chapter 23] 23.13 Deleting Files with the Null Name

UNIX Power Tools

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23.13 Deleting Files with the Null Name

I write this article with fear and trepidation; I've never done this, and clri is strong medicine. However, it's something that needs to be said.

I've seen several reports about files with null names - they evidently arise through some bad interaction between PCs running NFS (1.33) and UNIX systems. [I've heard several reports of files with slashes (/) in their filenames. They came via NFS from Macintoshes. The method below should help with them. -JP] For lots of reasons, it's virtually impossible to delete a null-named file. The following technique has been recommended:

- ML

Previous: 23.12 Using Wildcards to Delete Files with Strange Names UNIX Power ToolsNext: 23.14 Handling a Filename Starting with a Dash (-)
23.12 Using Wildcards to Delete Files with Strange Names Book Index23.14 Handling a Filename Starting with a Dash (-)

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