Next: Reference Manual
Up: PostgreSQL: Introduction and Concepts
Previous: Installation
This appendix outlines the nonstandard
features covered in this book.
- Chapter 1
- None.
- Chapter 2
- Psql is a unique feature of POSTGRESQL.
- Chapter 3
- None.
- Chapter 4
- Use of regular expressions, SET ,
SHOW , and RESET are features
unique to POSTGRESQL.
- Chapter 5
- None.
- Chapter 6
- None.
- Chapter 7
- OIDs, sequences ,
and SERIAL are unique features of POSTGRESQL.
- Chapter 8
is a unique feature of POSTGRESQL. Some databases support
the creation of tables by SELECT.
- Chapter 9
- Most databases support only a few of the many data types,
functions, and operators included in POSTGRESQL. Casting
using :: is nonstandard. Arrays are
a unique features of POSTGRESQL. Large objects
are implemented differently by other database systems.
- Chapter 10
- None.
- Chapter 11
and EXPLAIN are features unique to POSTGRESQL.
- Chapter 12
- LIMIT is
implemented by a few other database systems.
- Chapter 13
- Inheritance, RULES , LISTEN ,
and NOTIFY are features unique to POSTGRESQL.
- Chapter 14
- None.
- Chapter 15
- COPY is a unique feature of POSTGRESQL.
- Chapter 16
- Psql and pgaccess
are unique features of POSTGRESQL.
- Chapter 17
- All of the programming interfaces except ECPG
and Java are implemented differently by other database
- Chapter 18
- Server-side functions
and triggers are implemented
differently by other database systems.
- Chapter 19
- Using C to enhance the database is a unique POSTGRESQL
- Chapter 20
- The administrative utilities are unique to POSTGRESQL.
Next: Reference Manual
Up: PostgreSQL: Introduction and Concepts
Previous: Installation
Bruce Momjian