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PostgreSQL Nonstandard Features by Chapter

 This appendix outlines the nonstandard features covered in this book.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Psql is a unique feature of POSTGRESQL.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Use of regular expressions, SET , SHOW , and RESET  are features unique to POSTGRESQL.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
 OIDs, sequences , and SERIAL  are unique features of POSTGRESQL.
Chapter 8
FROM in UPDATE  is a unique feature of POSTGRESQL. Some databases support the creation of tables by SELECT.
Chapter 9
Most databases support only a few of the many data types, functions, and operators included in POSTGRESQL. Casting using :: is nonstandard. Arrays  are a unique features of POSTGRESQL. Large objects  are implemented differently by other database systems.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
CLUSTER , VACUUM , and EXPLAIN  are features unique to POSTGRESQL.
Chapter 12
LIMIT   is implemented by a few other database systems.
Chapter 13
Inheritance, RULES , LISTEN , and NOTIFY  are features unique to POSTGRESQL.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
COPY  is a unique feature of POSTGRESQL.
Chapter 16
Psql  and pgaccess  are unique features of POSTGRESQL.
Chapter 17
All of the programming interfaces except ECPG  and Java  are implemented differently by other database systems.
Chapter 18
Server-side functions   and triggers   are implemented differently by other database systems.
Chapter 19
Using C to enhance the database is a unique POSTGRESQL feature.
Chapter 20
The administrative utilities are unique to POSTGRESQL.

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Bruce Momjian