In this chapter, we write
classes that contain methods of our own design.
Our objectives are
These techniques will help us write applications whose
component structure consists of classes and methods completely
of our own design.
At the beginning of this text, we remarked that an object owns a collection of methods for accomplishing work. For example, a program for word processing will have methods for inserting and removing text, saving files, printing documents, and so on. A bank accounting program will have methods for depositing and withdrawing money from a bank account. And, a graphics-window object has methods for setting the window's size, setting its title bar, painting the window, and so on.
The term, ``method,'' comes from real-life examples, such as the plumber (joiner) who has methods for fixing toilets, stopping leaks, and starting furnaces. A plumber's methods might be divided into ``public'' ones, that is, the methods that customers ask of the plumber, and ``private'' ones, that is, shortcuts and tricks-of-the-trade the plumber uses to complete a customer's request.
A plumber is a person, an entity, an object. In addition to plumbers, the world is full of other entities---carpenters, masons, electricians, painters, and so on. Each of these entities have methods, and the entities work together on major tasks, e.g., building a house.
In a similar way, a program consists of multiple objects that communicate and cooperate by asking one another to execute methods. For example, in the previous chapters, we wrote applications that sent print and println messages to the preexisting object, System.out. And, we constructed new objects, like new GregorianCalendar(), from preexisting classes in Java's libraries and sent messages to the new objects. These objects cooperated with our applications to solve problems.
We must learn to write our own classes with methods of our own design. So far, the methods we have written ourselves have been limited to two specific instances: First, we wrote many applications that contained the public method, main. When we start an application, an implicit message is sent to execute main. Second, we learned to write one form of graphics window, which owns a constructor method and a paintComponent method; the coding pattern looked like this:
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class MyOwnPanel extends JPanel { public MyOwnPanel() { ... // instructions for initializing field variables, // constructing the panel's frame, and displaying it } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { ... // instructions for painting on the panel } }Recall that the constructor method executes when a new MyOwnPanel() object is constructed, and the paintComponent method executes each time the panel must be painted on the display.
In this chapter, we learn to write methods that are entirely our own doing and we learn how to send messages to the objects that own these methods. In this way, we can advance our programming skills towards writing programs like the word processors and accounting programs mentioned at the beginning of this Section. We begin by learning to write the most widely used form of method, the public method.
Consider this well-used statement:
System.out.println("TEXT");The statement sends a println("TEXT") message to the object System.out, asking System.out to execute its method, println.
The object that sends the message is called the client, and the object that receives the message is the receiver (here, System.out). The receiver locates its method whose name matches the one in the message and executes that method's statements---we say that the method is invoked. (Here, System.out locates its println method and executes it, causing TEXT to appear in the command window; we say that println is invoked.)
An application can send println messages to System.out because println is a public method, that is, it is available to the ``general public.''
We have used many such public methods and have written a few ourselves, most notably, main and paintComponent. Consider again the format of the latter, which we use to paint graphics on a panel:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) // this is the header line { STATEMENTS // this is the body }The syntax is worth reviewing: The method's header line contains the keyword, public, which indicates the general public may send paintComponent messages to the graphics window that possesses this method. (In this case, the ``general public'' includes the computer's operating system, which sends a paintComponent message each time the graphics window must be repainted on the display.) The keyword, void, is explained later in this chapter, as is the formal parameter, Graphics g. The statements within the brackets constitute the method's body, and these statements are executed when the method is invoked.
A public method must be inserted within a class. As we saw in Chapter 4, a class may hold multiple methods, and a class may hold fields as well as methods. When an object is constructed from the class, the object gets the fields and methods for its own. Then, other objects can send messages to the object to execute the methods.
We begin with some basic examples of public methods.
A public method that we write should be capable of one basic ``skill'' or ``behavior'' that clients might like to use. Here is an example that illustrates this principle. (To to help us focus on crucial concepts, we dispense with graphics for the moment and work with basic techniques from Chapter 2.)
Pretend that you collect ``Ascii art'' insects, such as bees, butterflies, and ladybugs (``ladybirds''):
,-. \_/ >{|||}- / \ `-^ hjw _ " _ (_\|/_) (/|\) ejm97 `m' (|) sahr(Note: the initials next to each image are the image's author's.) From time to time, you might like to display one of the insects in the command window. Each time you do so, you might write a sequence of System.out.println statements to print the image, but this is foolish---it is better to write a method that has the ability to print such an image on demand, and then your applications can send messages to this method.
For example, here is the method we write to print the first image, a bee:
/** printBee prints a bee */ public void printBee() { System.out.println(" ,-."); System.out.println(" \\_/"); System.out.println(">{|||}-"); System.out.println(" / \\"); System.out.println(" `-^ hjw"); System.out.println(); }We always begin a method with a comment---the method's specification---that documents the method's purpose or behavior. The method's header line comes next; it states that the method is public and gives the method's name, which we invent. For the moment, do not worry about the keyword, void, or the brackets, (); they will be explained later. The method's body contains the instructions for printing the bee.
A class that holds methods for printing the above images appears in Figure 1. The Figure shows the above method plus two others grouped into a class, AsciiArtWriter. There is also a fourth method, a constructor method, which we discuss momentarily.
FIGURE 1: class that draws Ascii art====================================== /** AsciiArtWriter contains methods for drawing Ascii art */ public class AsciiArtWriter { /** Constructor AsciiArtWriter does an ``initialization.'' */ public AsciiArtWriter() { System.out.println(); } /** printBee prints a bee */ public void printBee() { System.out.println(" ,-."); System.out.println(" \\_/"); // the \ must be written as \\ System.out.println(">{|||}-"); System.out.println(" / \\"); System.out.println(" `-^ hjw"); System.out.println(); } /** printButterfly prints a butterfly */ public void printButterfly() { System.out.println(" _ \""); // the " must be written as \" System.out.println(" (_\\|/_)"); System.out.println(" (/|\\) ejm97"); System.out.println(); } /** printLadybug prints a ladybug */ public void printLadybug() { System.out.println(" `m\'"); // the ' must be written as \' System.out.println(" (|) sahr"); System.out.println(); } } ENDFIGURE=================================================================
When we compare class AsciiArtWriter to the graphics-window classes from Chapter 4, we see a similar format: we see a constructor method followed by public methods. And, we construct objects from the class in a similar fashion as well:
AsciiArtWriter writer = new AsciiArtWriter();This statement constructs an object named writer that holds the three public methods. When the object is constructed, the constructor method is invoked, causing an empty line to print in the command window.
Think of writer as an object, like System.out. This means we can send messages to it:
writer.printBee();Notice the syntax of the invocation: The format is the object's name, followed by the method name, followed by the parentheses. The parentheses help the Java compiler understand that the statement is indeed a method invocation---this is why the parentheses are required.
The above format is the usual way of sending a message to an object, and it is a bit unfortunate that the paintComponent methods we wrote in Chapter 4 were not invoked in this usual way---paintComponent is a special case, because it is normally invoked by the computer's operating system when a window must be repainted on the display.
Figure 2 shows an application that sends messages to an AsciiArtWriter object to print two bees and one butterfly.
FIGURE 2: application that prints Ascii art============================ /** DrawArt prints some Ascii art and a message */ public class DrawArt { public static void main(String[] args) { AsciiArtWriter writer = new AsciiArtWriter(); writer.printBee(); System.out.println("This is a test."); writer.printButterfly(); writer.printBee(); } } ENDFIGURE============================================================
The advantage of writing class AsciiArtWriter is that we no longer need to remember the details of printing the Ascii images---they are saved in the class's methods. And, we can reuse the class over and over with as many applications as we like. This is a primary motivation for writing methods and grouping them into a class. class AsciiArtWriter is a pleasant addition to our ``library'' of program components.
public class DrawArt2 { public static void main(String[] args) { AsciiArtWriter w = new AsciiArtWriter(); w.printButterfly(); w.printButterfly(); } }What is printed on the display?
public class TestArt { public static void main(String[] args) { AsciiArtWriter writer = new AsciiArtWriter(); writer.printBee(); new AsciiArtWriter().printButterfly(); writer.printLadyBug(); } }
import javax.swing.*; public class HelperClass { public HelperClass() { } // nothing to initialize /** computeSquareRoot reads an input integer and displays its square root. */ public void computeSquareRoot() { String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type a number:"); double d = new Double(s).doubleValue(); double root = Math.sqrt(d); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The square root of " + d + " is " + root); } }Write an application whose main method invokes the method to help its user compute two square roots.
import javax.swing.*; /** NameLength calculates the length of two names. * Input: two names, each typed into an input dialog * Output: dialogs that display the names and their lengths. */ public class NameLength { public static void main(String[] args) { HelperClass c = new HelperClass(); c.readNameAndDisplayItsLength(); c.readNameAndDisplayItsLength(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Finished!"); } public class HelperClass { ... /** readNameAndDisplayItsLength reads one name and displays the * name with its length * Hint: for a string, x, x.length() returns x's length */ ... }
AsciiArtWriter writer = new AsciiArtWriter();the object is constructed in computer storage and the class's constructor method is immediately invoked. For this reason, you should read the phrase, new AsciiArtWriter() in Figure 2, as both constructing a new object and sending a message to the method named AsciiArtWriter().
AsciiArtWriter's constructor does little, but as we saw repeatedly in Chapter 4, a constructor method is often used to ``complete'' the construction of an object: The constructor methods for all graphics windows in Chapter 4 contained statements that set the windows' sizes, background colors, framing, and visibilities. For example, recall Figure 18, Chapter 4, which constructs a graphics window that displays a count of the window's paintings:
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; /** FieldExample displays how often a window is painted on the display */ public class FieldExample extends JPanel { private int count; // this field variable holds the count of how // often the window has been painted. /** FieldExample constructs the window. */ public FieldExample() { count = 0; // the window has never been painted JFrame my_frame = new JFrame(); my_frame.getContentPane().add(this); int height = 200; my_frame.setSize((3 * height)/2, height); my_frame.setVisible(true); } ... // See Figure 18, Chapter 4, for the rest of the class }The FieldExample's constructor initializes count to zero, then frames, sizes, and displays the panel. Without the constructor to complete the FieldExample object's construction, the object would be useless. Review Chapter 4 to see again and again where constructor methods are used this way.
Because a constructor method is invoked when an object is constructed, it is usually labelled as a public method. A constructor method must have the same name as the class that contains it, and again, this is why a statement like new AsciiArtWriter() should be read as both constructing a new object and invoking its constructor method. For reasons explained later in this chapter, the keyword, void, never appears in the header line of a constructor method.
If the constructor has nothing to do, we can write it with an empty body:
public AsciiArtWriter() { }When a new AsciiArtWriter() object is constructed, the do-nothing constructor method is invoked and does nothing. The Java language allows you to write a class that has no constructor method at all, but this style of programming will not be followed in this text.
When the application is started, a DrawArt object appears in primary storage, and its main method is started:
We annotate the execution marker with the numeral, 1, so that we can see the effects of method invocation.
The first statement creates a storage cell named writer and starts construction of an AsciiArtWriter object:
The object is constructed at an address, say a1, and its construction method is invoked. A new execution marker, 2>, shows that execution has been paused at position 1> and has started within the invoked method at 2>.
Within the constructor, the println invocation executes next. When this statement completes, the constructor method finishes, the address, a1, is returned as the result, and execution resumes at point 1>:
Once finished, a constructor method always, automatically returns the address of the object constructed and the method disappears from the object. Notice that a1 is inserted at the position of the invocation; this lets the assignment complete and the execution proceed to the next statement:
To execute, this invocation, the address of the receiver, writer, must be computed; it is a1, so the invocation computes to a1.printBee(), meaning that execution starts within printBee in a1:
The statements in printBee execute one by one. Once finished, execution restarts at 1>, and printBee ``resets'' for future use:
In this way, the messages to writer are executed one by one.
public class PrintClass { public PrintClass() { System.out.println("A"); } public void printB() { System.out.println("B"); } }What is printed by this application?
public class TestPrintClass { public static void main(String[] args) { PrintClass p = new PrintClass(); p.printB(); p.printB(); new PrintClass().printB(); PrintClass q = p; } }
public class Counter { private int count; public Counter() { count = 0; } public void count() { count = count + 1; System.out.println(count); } }What is printed by this application?
public class TestCounter { public static void main(String[] args) { Counter a = new Counter(); a.count(); a.count(); Counter b = new Counter(); b.count(); a.count(); Counter c = a; c.count(); a.count(); } }
When an object is sent a message, the message often contains additional information in parentheses, called arguments. We have used arguments in messages many times; the standard example is System.out.println("TEXT"), which sends the argument, "TEXT", in its message to the System.out object.
The technical name for an argument is actual parameter, or parameter, for short. When an object receives a message that includes actual parameters, the object gives the parameters to the method named in the message, and the method binds the parameters to local variables. We can see this in the following example.
Say that we wish to attach names to the bees that we draw with the AsciiArtWriter. For example, this bee is named ``Lucy'':
,-. \_/ >{|||}-Lucy- / \ `-^ hjwTo do this, we modify method printBee from Figure 1 so that it attaches a name to its bee by means of a parameter. The method's header line changes so that it contains information about the parameter within its brackets:
public void printBeeWithName(String name)The information in the parentheses, String name, is actually a declaration of a local variable, name. The declaration is called a formal parameter---it binds to (is assigned the value of) the incoming argument (actual parameter).
To understand this, say that we add the modified method in the Figure to class AsciiArtWriter, and we invoke it as follows:
AsciiArtWriter writer = new AsciiArtWriter(); writer.printBeeWithName("Lucy");The invocation, writer.printBeeWithName("Lucy"), gives the actual parameter, "Lucy", to the method, printBeeWithName, which generates this initialization inside of a new local variable inside the method's body:
String name = "Lucy";Then the variable, name, can be used within the body of printBeeWithName and it causes "Lucy" to be used. Figure 3 shows the modifications.
FIGURE 3: method with a parameter======================================= /** printBeeWithName prints a bee with a name attached to its stinger. * @param name - the name attached to the stinger */ public void printBeeWithName(String name) { System.out.println(" ,-."); System.out.println(" \\_/"); System.out.println(">{|||}-" + name + "-"); System.out.println(" / \\"); System.out.println(" `-^ hjw"); System.out.println(); } ENDFIGURE=============================================================
The main motivation for using parameters is that a method can be invoked many times with different values of actual parameters and can perform related but distinct computations at each invocation. For example,
writer.printBeeWithName("Fred Mertz");prints a bee similar to Lucy's bee but with a different name.
We can write a method like printBeeWithName in advance of its invocations, because the method need not know exactly the name it attaches to the bee it draws, but it assumes that the formal parameter---a variable---will contain the value when the time comes to draw the bee.
As part of our documentation policy, the comments preceding the method include a short description of each parameter and its purpose. For reasons explained at the end of the chapter, we begin each parameter's description with the text, * @param.
When printBeeWithName is invoked, it must be invoked with exactly one actual parameter, which must compute to a string. This was the case with writer.printBeeWithName("Lucy"), but we might also state writer.printBeeWithName("Fred" + "Mertz"), whose argument is an expression that computes to a string, or we might use variables in the argument:
String s = "Ricardo": writer.printBeeWithName("Ricky " + s);In each of these cases, the actual parameter is an expression that computes to a string and binds to printBee's formal parameter, name.
For example, the last invocation, writer.printBeeWithName("Ricky " + s), causes the actual parameter, "Ricky " + s, to compute to "Ricky " + "Ricardo", which computes to "Ricky Ricardo", which binds to name within method printBeeWithName. In effect, the invocation causes this variant of printBeeWithName to execute:
{ String name = "Ricky Ricardo"; System.out.println(" ,-."); System.out.println(" \\_/"); System.out.println(">{|||}-" + name + "-"); System.out.println(" / \\"); System.out.println(" `-^ hjw"); }This example emphasizes that
To ensure that we understand the above example, we draw part of its execution trace. Say that an application is about to draw a bee with a name:
First, the receiver object is computed; since writer holds address a1, this is the receiver:
a1.printBeeWithName("Ricky " + s);Next, the value of the argument is computed. Since s holds the string, "Ricardo", the argument computes to "Ricky Ricardo":
Only after the argument computes to its result does the binding of actual to formal parameter take place. This creates an initialization statement in printBeeWithName:
The initialization executes as usual,
and at this point, printBee's body behaves like any other method.
public class PrintClass { public PrintClass() { } public void printName(String name) { String s = " "; System.out.println(name + s + name); } } public class TestPrintClass { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "Fred"; new PrintClass().printName(s + s); } }
import javax.swing.*; /** NameClass remembers a name and prints information about it. */ public class NameClass { private String name; // the name that is remembered /** Constructor NameClass initializes a NameClass object * @param n - the name that is to be remembered */ public NameClass(String n) { ... } /** printName prints the name remembered by this object */ public void printName() { ... } /** displayLength prints the integer length of the name remembered. * (Hint: use the length method from Table 5, Chapter 3.) */ public void displayLength() { ... } } public class TestNameClass { public static void main(String[] args) { NameClass my_name = new NameClass("Fred Mertz"); System.out.print("my name is "); my_name.printName(); System.out.print("my name has this many characters in it: "); my_name.displayLength(); } }
What can be a parameter? The answer is important:
import java.text.*; // Note: This statement is inserted at the beginning // of the class in which the following method appears. /** printInverse prints the inverse, 1.0/i, of an integer, i, * formatted to three decimal places. * @param i - the integer that is inverted */ public void printInverse(int i) { DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); // see Chapter 4 double d = 1.0 / i; String s = formatter.format(d); // formats d with three decimal places System.out.println(s); }Parameter i is declared as an integer, so any invocation of inverseOf must use an actual parameter that computes to an integer. (The Java compiler verifies this when it checks the data type of the actual parameter in the invocation.) The method computes the fractional inverse of i and formats it into three decimal places, using a helper object constructed from class DecimalFormat, found in the package java.text and introduced in Chapter 4. The formatted result is printed.
Say that we insert inverseOf into some new class, say, class MathOperations. This lets us do the following:
MathOperations calculator = new MathOperations(); calculator.printInverse(3);which prints 0.333. Because of the declaration of its formal parameter, we cannot invoke printInverse with doubles, e.g., calculator.printInverse(0.5) will be disallowed by the Java compiler---only integers can be actual parameters to the method.
But if printInverse had been written with this header line:
public void printInverse(double i)Then the invocation,
calculator.printInverse(0.5);would be acceptable, because the data type of the actual parameter is compatible with the data type of the formal parameter. Indeed, we could also perform
calculator.printInverse(3);because integers can be used in any context where doubles are expected. We see this clearly when we remember that parameter binding is the same as variable initialization; therefore, the latter invocation generates this binding:
double i = 3;which is acceptable in Java, because the 3 is converted into 3.0.
Methods may receive multiple parameters, and we can use this extension to good effect in the above example. Say that we alter printInverse so that its client can specify the pattern of precision used to print the inverse. The method now receives two parameters; see Figure 4.
FIGURE 4: method with multiple parameters============================== import java.text.*; // Note: This statement is inserted at the beginning // of the class in which the following method appears. /** printInverse prints the inverse, 1.0/i, of an integer, i. * @param i - the integer that is inverted * @param pattern - the pattern for formatting the fractional result */ public void printInverse(int i, String pattern) { DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(pattern); // see Chapter 4 double d = 1.0 / i; String s = formatter.format(d); System.out.println(s); } ENDFIGURE==============================================================
The parameters are stated in the header line, between the brackets, separated by commas. When the method is invoked, there must be exactly two actual parameters, and the first must be an integer and the second must be a string:
MathOperations calculator = new MathOperations(); calculator.printInverse(3, "0.00000"); // print with five decimal places calculator.printInverse(5, "0.0"); // print with one decimal place
The important point to remember is
For example, the first invocation generates this execution of printInverse:
{ int i = 3; String pattern = "0.00000"; DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(pattern); double d = 1.0 / i; String s = formatter.format(d); System.out.println(s); }The order of the actual parameters proves crucial when there is a situation like this one,
public void printDivision(double n, double d) { System.out.println(n / d); }where the data types of the two formal parameters are identical.
Finally, we modify Figure 4 to show that objects can also be parameters:
Begin Footnote: Indeed, since strings are implemented as objects in Java, we know already that objects can be parameters, but the example that follows shows that objects we construct with the new keyword can be parameters also. End Footnote
import java.text.*; // Note: This statement is inserted at the beginning // of the class in which the following method appears. /** printInverse prints the inverse, 1.0/i, of an integer, i. * @param i - the integer that is inverted * @param f - the object that formats the fractional result */ public void printInverse(int i, DecimalFormat f) { double d = 1.0 / i; String s = f.format(d); System.out.println(s); }Remember that every class name generates its own data type, hence there is a data type, DecimalFormat, and we use it to describe the second formal parameter, which will bind to an object we construct:
MathOperations calculator = new MathOperations(); DecimalFormat five_places = new DecimalFormat("0.00000"); calculator.printInverse(3, five_places);The invocation proceeds like the others: The actual parameters compute to their results (in this case, the second parameter computes to the address of a DecimalFormat object) and bind to the corresponding formal parameters.
Now that we are acquainted with the various forms of parameters, we can solve a couple of mysteries. First, the header line of the paintComponent method one uses for graphics windows reads
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)The Graphics g part is a formal parameter, and whenever the operating system sends a message to paintComponent, the message will contain an actual parameter that is (the address of) the graphics-pen object that paintComponent uses for painting.
Second, method main's header line also requires a parameter:
public static void main(String[] args)The formal parameter, args, names the collection of program arguments that are submitted when an application starts. As noted in Chapter 3, the arguments are extracted from args by the names args[0], args[1], and so on. The data type, String[], is read ``string array''---it describes collections of strings. We study array data types in Chapter 8.
We finish our examination of parameters with two final observations:
public void METHODNAME()is a method with zero formal parameters and must be invoked by a statement that uses zero actual parameters within the parentheses---RECEIVER_OBJECT.METHODNAME()---this is why an empty bracket set is required with some invocations.
public class ArithmeticClass { private int base; public ArithmeticClass(int b) { base = b; } public void printMultiplication(String label, double d) { System.out.println(label + (base * d)); } }
public class TestArithmeticClass { public static void main(String[] args) { ArithmeticClass c = new ArithmeticClass(2); c.printMultiplication("3", 4.5 + 1); int i = 4; c.printMultiplication("A", i); c.printMultiplication("A", i - 1); } }
public class Errors { public static void main(String[] args) { ArithmeticClass c = new ArithmeticClass(); printMultiplication("A", 5); int s = 0; c.printMultiplication(s, 2 + s); c.printMultiplication(1, "A"); c.printMultiplication("A", 9, 10); c.printSomething(); } }
/** RunningTotal helps a child total a sequence of numbers */ public class RunningTotal { private int total; // the total of the numbers added so far /** Constructor RunningTotal initializes the object */ public RunningTotal() { total = 0; } /** addToTotal adds one more number to the running total * @param num - the integer to be added to the total */ ... /** printTotal prints the current total of all numbers added so far */ ... } public class AddSomeNumbers { public static void main(String[] args) { RunningTotal calculator = new RunningTotal(); calculator.addToTotal(16); calculator.addToTotal(8); calculator.printTotal(); calculator.addToTotal(4); calculator.printTotal(); } }
/** paintClock paints a clock with the time * @param hours - the current hours, an integer between 1 and 12 * @param minutes - the current minutes, an integer between 0 and 59 * @param x - the upper left corner where the clock should appear * @param y - the upper right corner where the clock should appear * @param diameter - the clock's diameter * @param g - the graphics pen used to paint the clock */ public void paintClock(int hours, int minutes, int x, int y, int diameter, Graphics g)Write this method, insert it into class ClockWriter in Figure 17, Chapter 4, and rewrite ClockWriter's paintComponent method to invoke it.
Next, make paintComponent draw two clocks---one for your time and one for the current time in Paris.
Note: If you find this exercise too demanding, read the next section and return to rework the exercise.
A major component of our applications has been the ``output view''---the part that displays the computation results. We can reduce our dependency on System.out as our output-view object if we design our own graphics window to display textual output. Perhaps we write an application that asks its user to type input text:
The input is fetched and displayed in our new graphics window, e.g.,
Of course, we can use a JOptionPane-generated dialog for the input-view, but we must design and write the output-view that has the ability to display a textual string. Keeping this simple, we design the graphics window so that it displays exactly one line of text and we can state where to position the text. (In the Exercises at the end of this section, we make the window more versatile.)
We follow these steps when we design a new class:
All three items above are crucial to the person who writes the class;
Item 1 is important to those who use the class.
Let's design the output frame; what methods should it have? Perhaps we decide on two: (i) we can send a message to the frame to print a sentence; (ii)we can tell the frame where it should print the sentence. Perhaps we can the first method, writeSentence; obviously, the method will require an argument --- the sentence to be printed. The second method --- call it, positionSentence --- will require the x- and y-coordinates that state where the sentence should be printed on the frame.
Also, we will require a constructor method that constructs the frame with some fixed width and height.
Now, for the attributes: The initial descriptions of the methods suggest that the frame must have at private fields that remember the current sentence to display and the x- and y-coordinates of where to print it. Table 5 summarizes what we have developed so far.
TABLE 5: specification of an output frame==============================
MyWriter creates a graphics window that displays a sentence. | |
Constructor: | |
MyWriter(int w, int h) | construct the window with the width of w pixels and the height of h pixels and display it. |
Methods: | |
writeSentence(String s) | display sentence s in the graphics window |
repositionSentence(int new_x, int new_y) | redisplay the existing sentence at the new position, new_x, new_y |
Private attributes: | |
sentence | the sentence that is displayed |
x_position | the x-coordinate of where the sentence will appear |
y_position | the y-coordinate of where the sentence will appear |
ENDTABLE================================================================The new class is named MyWriter, and the table is called its interface specification or specification, for short. The specification indicates the methods we must write and it also states the ways that others can use the methods we write, so we will retain the specification as useful documentation after the class is built. You might compare Table 5 to the ones that summarized the methods for class Graphics (Table 16, Chapter 4) and JFrame (Table 20, Chapter 4).
The notion of ``specification'' comes from real-life: For example, when you buy a tire for your car, you must know the correct size of tire---the size is the tire's specification. Your waist and inseam measurement is another example of an specification that you use when you sew or purchase a new pair of pants. Specifications help you construct and use objects in real life, and the same is true in computer programming.
Given the specification in Table 5, how do we write its methods? Since MyWriter is a ``customized'' graphics window, we can follow the techniques from Chapter 4. This suggests that we write a class whose paintComponent method paints the sentence on the window. How will writeSentence ask paintComponent do its work?
The solution is to declare the private field,
private String sentence; // holds the sentence to be displayedand have paintComponent display the field's contents:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { ... g.drawString(sentence, ... ); }Now writeSentence(String s) has this algorithm:
public void writeSentence(String s) { sentence = s; this.repaint(); // indirectly forces paintComponent to execute }Because repaint's coding lives within class JPanel and because class MyWriter extends JPanel, it means that every MyWriter object will have its own repaint method. To invoke the method within MyWriter, we write this.repaint(), because the receiver of the invocation is this object---the client object that sends the message is also the receiver!
The completed class MyWriter appears in Figure 6.
FIGURE 6: graphics window for displaying text========================== import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; /** MyWriter creates a graphics window that displays a sentence */ public class MyWriter extends JPanel { private int width; // the frame's width private int height; // the frame's height private String sentence = ""; // holds the sentence to be displayed private int x_position; // x-position of sentence private int y_position; // y-position of sentence /** Constructor MyWriter creates the Panel * @param w - the window's width * @param h - the window's height */ public MyWriter(int w, int h) { width = w; height = h; x_position = width / 5; // set the sentence's position y_position = height / 2; JFrame my_frame = new JFrame(); my_frame.getContentPane().add(this); my_frame.setTitle("MyWriter"); my_frame.setSize(width, height); my_frame.setVisible(true); } /** paintComponent paints the panel * @param g - the ``graphics pen'' that draws the items */ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { g.setColor(; g.drawString(sentence, x_position, y_position); } /** writeSentence displays a new string in the window * @param s - the sentence to be displayed */ public void writeSentence(String s) { sentence = s; this.repaint(); // indirectly forces paintComponent to execute } /** positionSentence redisplays the existing sentence in a new position * @param new_x - the new horizontal starting position * @param new_y - the new vertical starting position */ public void positionSentence(int new_x, int new_y) { x_position = new_x; y_position = new_y; this.writeSentence(sentence); // force a rewrite of the existing sentence } } ENDFIGURE===============================================================The class uses a number of private fields, which remember the window's size, the position for displaying the sentence, and the sentence itself (which is initialized to an empty string). The constructor method uses two parameters to size the window.
The paintComponent method operates as expected, and writeSentence deposits the string to be displayed in field sentence and forces this object to repaint. Finally, positionSentence resets the fields that position the sentence and forces the sentence to be redisplayed. We use the invocation,
this.writeSentence(sentence);to reinforce that an object can send messages to its own public methods.
Begin Footnote: The Java language allows the this pronoun to be omitted from invocations of an object's own methods, e.g., writeSentence(sentence) can be used in the previous example. End Footnote
Note also that the value of a field can be an argument in an invocation. Finally, positionSentence could also be written as
public void positionSentence(int new_x, int new_y) { x_position = new_x; y_position = new_y; this.repaint(); }which has the same behavior.
Here is a small application that uses class MyWriter to interact with its user:
import javax.swing.*; /** MyExample2 displays, in a graphics window, a sentence its user types */ public class MyExample2 { public static void main(String[] args) { int width = 300; int height = 200; MyWriter writer = new MyWriter(width,height); writer.positionSentence(50, 80); // set position to my liking String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please type some text:"); writer.writeSentence(s); // display s } }When the application starts, the graphics window appears with an empty sentence, which is immediately repositioned to location, 50, 80. Then the interaction displayed at the beginning of this section occurs.
Here are the lessons learned from this case study:
In the next Chapter, we will appreciate two more benefits of designing and writing classes like MyWriter:
import javax.swing.*; public class AnotherExample { public static void main(String[] args) { MyWriter writer = new MyWriter(300, 200); String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please type some text:"); writer.writeSentence(s); s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Try it again:"); writer.writeSentence(s); writer.repositionSentence(0, 190); writer.writeSentence(s + s); } }
/** writeSecondSentence displays a sentence, t, underneath the first * sentence in the window. * @param t - the second sentence to be displayed */ public void writeSecondSentence(String t)When you add this method, must you revise writeSentence? repositionSentence?
TextWriter displays up to three lines of text in a graphics window | |
Constructor: | |
TextWriter(int w, int h) | Constructs the window with width w pixels and height h pixels and displays a window with three empty lines of text. |
Methods: | |
print1(String s) | Appends s to the end of the Line 1 text and displays the current values of all three lines of text. |
reset1(String s) | Sets Line 1 of the text to s and displays the current values of all three lines of text. |
print2(String s) | Appends s to the end of the Line 2 text and displays the current values of all three lines of text. |
reset2(String s) | Sets Line 2 of the text to s and displays the current values of all three lines of text. |
print3(String s) | Appends s to the end of the Line 3 text and displays the current values of all three lines of text. |
reset3(String s) | Sets Line 3 of the text to s and displays the current values of all three lines of text. |
import javax.swing.*; public class TestTextWriter { public static void main(String[] args) { TextWriter writer = new TextWriter(300, 200); String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please type some text:"); writer.print1(s); s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Try it again:"); writer.print1(s); s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Once more:"); writer.print3(s); s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Last time:"); writer.reset1(s); } }
Next, rewrite Figure 2, Chapter 4, to use a TextWriter object to display its output.
When a client object sends a message, sometimes the client expects an answer in reply. We saw this in Figure 2, Chapter 4, where the controller asked the input-view to read an input string:
String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type an integer Celsius temperature:");When JOptionPane's showInputDialog method executes, it fetches the string the user types, and the string is the ``reply,'' which is deposited into the position where the readLine message appears. Then, the string is assigned to variable input.
Yet another example appears in the same figure,
int c = new Integer(input).intValue();where the object, new Integer(input), is sent the message, intValue(), and replies with the integer that is assigned to c.
``Replies'' from methods are called results. The idea comes from mathematics, where one speaks of the result from calculating a formula. Indeed, we can take the well-used temperature conversion formula, f = (9.0 / 5.0) * c + 32, and encode it as a method that returns a result; see Figure 7.
FIGURE 7: temperature conversion function============================ /** celsiusIntoFahrenheit translates degrees Celsius into Fahrenheit * @param c - the degrees in Celsius * @return the equivalent degrees in Fahrenheit */ public double celsiusIntoFahrenheit(double c) { double f = ((9.0 / 5.0) * c) + 32; return f; } ENDFIGURE============================================================The method illustrates the technique for returning a result:
Indeed, the temperature-conversion method can be written just this tersely:
public double celsiusIntoFahrenheit(double c) { return ((9.0 / 5.0) * c) + 32; }
* @return the equivalent degrees in Fahrenheitin the comments at the head of the method to describe the result computed.
If the celsiusIntoFahrenheit was included in some class, say, class TemperatureConvertor, then we might use it to convert temperatures as follows:
import javax.swing.*; /** ConvertATemperature converts one Celsius temperature into Fahrenheit */ public class ConvertATemperature { public static void main(String[] args) { String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type an integer Celsius temperature:"); int c = new Integer(input).intValue(); // convert input into an int TemperatureConvertor convert = new TemperatureConvertor(); double f = convert.celsiusIntoFahrenheit(c); MyWriter writer = new MyWriter(300, 200); writer.writeSentence(c + " Celsius is " + f + " Fahrenheit"); } }The two statements in the middle of the main method can be compressed into one, if desired:
double f = new TemperatureConvertor().celsiusIntoFahrenheit(c);
With a bit of work, we might collect together other conversion formulas for temperatures and save them in class TemperatureConvertor---see the Exercises that follow. As always, by writing functions and collecting them in classes, we can save and reuse the formulas in many applications. Indeed, in the Java package, java.lang, one finds class Math, which is exactly such a collection of commonly used mathematical functions. In addition, the next Chapter shows other crucial uses of functions.
What forms of results can a function return? The answer is: any value that has a data type can be the result of a function---use the data-type name in the function's header line, and use the value in the return statement. Therefore, we have the same freedom as we have with parameters when we define results of functions---primitive values as well as objects can be function results.
The Java compiler will let an application ``discard'' the result of a function, e.g.,
import javax.swing.*; public class IgnoreConversion { public static void main(String[] args) { String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type an integer Celsius temperature:"); int c = new Integer(input).intValue(); TemperatureConvertor convert = new TemperatureConvertor(); convert.celsiusIntoFahrenheit(c); System.out.println("The End"); } }The penultimate statement invokes the celsiusIntoFahrenheit function, the function computes and returns a result, but the result is ignored and execution proceeds to the final statement.
This technique is more commonly used with a constructor method, which is a ``function'' that automatically returns the address of the constructed object. For example, class CelsiusToFahrenheitFrame in Figure 14, Chapter 4, is self-contained, so its start-up application merely reads:
public class Convert { public static void main(String[] args) { new CelsiusToFahrenheitFrame(); } }The sole statement in main invokes the constructor method and ignores the returned address. Indeed, remember that a constructor method must always return the address of the object constructed, and for this reason a constructor can never return any other value as its result---you will never see a return-data-type listed in the header line of a constructor method.
Finally, remember that it is good programming policy to make the return statement the final statement of a function. For example, the Java compiler will allow the following function to compiler and execute:
/** square incorrectly computes a number's square * @param num - the number * @return an incorrect compution of num * num */ public int square(int num) { int result = 0; return result; result = num * num; }Because execution proceeds from the first statement forwards, the badly placed return statement forces the function to quit prematurely and return the current value of result, which is 0---the third statement never executes.
We finish the section with a few steps of the execution trace of the example that uses the temperature-conversion function in Figure 7. Say that the main method has reached this point in its execution:
As seen before, the initialization constructs the object that holds the function:
The invocation binds the value of the actual parameter to the formal parameter, as usual, and the message to the object at a1 starts execution of the function, which proceeds to its result:
Notice that the variables, c and f, local to celsiusIntoFahrenheit, are unrelated to the local variables in main---no problems are introduced, no inadvertent connections are made, merely because the two program components chose similar names for their local variables.
Finally, the return f statement computes 68.0 and inserts it into the position where the invocation appeared. The function resets for later invocations:
Because function invocation operates the same way as ordinary method invocation, the execution trace reinforces the intuition that a method whose ``result type'' is void ``returns'' no result at all.
public class Counter { private int count; public Counter(int i) { count = i; } public int countA() { count = count + 1; return count; } public double countB() { return count + 1.5; } public String countC() { return "*" + count; } } public class TestCounter { public static void main(String[] args) { Counter c = new Counter(3); int x = c.countA(); System.out.println(x + " " + c.countB()); System.out.println(c.countC() + c.countA()); } }
/** fahrenheitIntoCelsius translates degrees Fahrenheit into Celsius * @param f - the degrees in Fahrenheit, a double * @return the equivalent degrees in Celsius, a double */(Hint: use algebra to compute the conversion formula.) Next, text the class with this application:
public class ConvertTemps { public static void main(String[] args) { TemperatureConvertor calculator = new TemperatureConvertor(); int temp = new Integer(args[0]).intValue(); // get command-line input double ftemp = calculator.celsiusIntoFahrenheit(temp); System.out.println(temp + "C is " + ftemp + "F"); System.out.println("Verify: " + ftemp + "F is " + calculator.fahrenheitIntoCelsius(ftemp) + "C"); double ctemp = calculator.fahrenheitIntoCelsius(temp); System.out.println(temp + "F is " + ctemp + "C"); System.out.println("Verify: " + ctemp + "C is " + calculator.celsiusIntoFahrenheit(ctemp) + "F"); } }
/** kilometersToMiles converts a kilometers amount into miles * using the formula: Miles = 0.62137 * Kilometers * @param k - the kilometers amount * @return the corresponding miles amount */ public double kilometersToMiles(double k)Insert the function into an application that reads a kilometers value from the user and prints the value in miles.
/** compoundTotalOf computes the compounded total * that result from a starting principal, p, an interest rate, i, * and a duration of n compounding periods, using this formula: * total = p((1 + (i/n))n) * @param p - the starting principal, a dollars, cents, amount * @param i - the interest rate per compounding period, * a fraction (e.g., 0.01 is 1%) * @param n - the compounding periods (e.g., if compounding is done * monthly, then two years is 24 compounding periods) * @return the total of principal plus compounded interest */ public double compoundTotalOf(double p, double i, int n)
/** isDivisibleByNine checks if its argument is divisible by 9 with no remander. * @param arg - the argument to be checked * @return true, if it is divisible by 9; return false, otherwise. */ public boolean isDivisibleByNine(int arg)
/** pay computes the weekly pay of an employee * @param name - the employee's name * @param hours - the hours worked for the week * @param payrate - the hourly payrate * @return a string consisting of the name followed by "$" and the pay */ public String pay(String name, int hours, double payrate)
/** Areas prints the areas of three circles */ public class Areas { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("For radius 4, area = " + (Math.PI * 4*4)); System.out.println(Math.PI * 8*8); System.out.println((Math.PI * 19*19) + " is the area for radius 19"); } }(Note: Math.PI is Java's name for the math constant, Pi.)
Why should we bother with writing private methods? Private methods help impose neat internal structure to a class: specific instruction sequences can be collected together, appropriately named, and they can be invoked multiple times within the class. We give two examples.
Say that we decide to improve class MyWriter in Figure 6 so that the graphics window appears with a blue border and a white center:
This adjustment does not change the class's specification in Figure 5---the programming changes are purely internal. But how do we paint a blue border and a white center? The algorithm takes a bit of thought:
FIGURE 8: graphics window with private method=========================== import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; /** MyWriter2 creates a graphics window that displays a sentence */ public class MyWriter2 extends JFrame { private int width; // the frame's width private int height; // the frame's height private String sentence = ""; // holds the sentence to be displayed private int x_position = 50; // x-position of sentence private int y_position = 80; // y-position of sentence /** Constructor MyWriter2 creates the window and makes it visible * @param w - the window's width * @param h - the window's height */ public MyWriter2(int w, int h) { ... see Figure 6 ... } /** paintComponent paints the panel * @param g - the ``graphics pen'' that draws the items */ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { makeBorder(g); // invoke private method to paint the border g.setColor(; g.drawString(sentence, x_position, y_position); } /** makeBorder paints the frame's border. * @param pen - the graphics pen used to paint the border */ private void makeBorder(Graphics pen) { pen.setColor(; pen.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); // paint entire window blue int border_size = 20; int center_rectangle_width = width - (2 * border_size); int center_rectangle_height = height - (2 * border_size); pen.setColor(Color.white); pen.fillRect(border_size, border_size, // paint center rectangle white center_rectangle_width, center_rectangle_height); } /** writeSentence displays a new string in the window * @param s - the sentence to be displayed */ public void writeSentence(String s) { ... see Figure 6 ... } /** repositionSentence redisplays the existing sentence in a new position * @param new_x - the new horizontal starting position * @param new_y - the new vertical starting position */ public void repositionSentence(int new_x, int new_y) { ... see Figure 6 ... } } ENDFIGURE===============================================================
The private method, makeBorder, is written just like a public method, except its header line includes the keyword, private. Its parameter, Graphics pen, is the graphics pen it is given to do painting. The parameter is supplied by method paintComponent, which invokes makeBorder by merely stating its name---because the method is a private method, the receiver must be ``this'' object:
The private method is useful because it maintains the internal structure of the original class, leaves paintComponent almost exactly the same as before, and keeps together the ``subalgorithm'' we wrote for painting the border. If we choose later to paint the border differently, we need only change the private method.
The construction of makeBorder is driven by this standard motivation for private methods:
The window's paintComponent method must draw the three eggs, but our sense of economy suggests we should write a private method that knows how to draw one egg and make paint invoke the method three times. Because of our knowledge of parameters, we specify the method, paintAnEgg, like this:
/** paintAnEgg paints an egg in 3-by-2 proportion * (that is, the egg's height is two-thirds of its width) * @param bottom - the position of the egg's bottom * @param width - the egg's width * @param pen - the graphics pen that will draw the egg * @return the y-position of the painted egg's top edge. */This method's algorithm goes as follows:
FIGURE 9: repeated invocations of a private method====================== import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; /** StackedEggsWriter displays three eggs, stacked */ public class StackedEggsWriter extends JPanel { private int frame_width; private int frame_height; // the sizes (widths) of the three eggs stacked: private int egg1_size; private int egg2_size; private int egg3_size; /** Constructor StackedEggsWriter stacks three 3-by-2 eggs in a window * @param width - the width of the panel * @param height - the height of the panel * @param size1 - the width of the bottom egg * @param size2 - the width of the middle egg * @param size3 - the width of the top egg */ public StackedEggsWriter(int width, int height, int size1, int size2, int size3) { frame_width = width; frame_height = height; egg1_size = size1; egg2_size = size2; egg3_size = size3; JFrame my_frame = new JFrame(); my_frame.getContentPane().add(this); my_frame.setTitle("StackedEggsWriter"); my_frame.setSize(frame_width, frame_height); my_frame.setVisible(true); } /** paintComponent fills the window with the eggs * @param g - the graphics pen */ public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.fillRect(0, 0, frame_width, frame_height); // paint the background // lay the first egg at the bottom of the frame: int egg1_top = paintAnEgg(frame_height, egg1_size, g); // stack the two remaining eggs on top of it: int egg2_top = paintAnEgg(egg1_top, egg2_size, g); int egg3_top = paintAnEgg(egg2_top, egg3_size, g); } ... ENDFIGURE===============================================================
FIGURECONT 9: repeated invocations of a private method (concl.)========== /** paintAnEgg paints an egg in 3-by-2 proportion (the egg's height * is two-thirds of its width) * @param bottom - the position of the egg's bottom * @param width - the egg's width * @param pen - the graphics pen that will draw the egg * @return the y-position of the painted egg's top edge. */ private int paintAnEgg(int bottom, int width, Graphics pen) { int height = (2 * width) / 3; int top_edge = bottom - height; int left_edge = (frame_width - width) / 2; pen.setColor(; pen.fillOval(left_edge, top_edge, width, height); pen.setColor(; pen.drawOval(left_edge, top_edge, width, height); return top_edge; } /** Test the window: */ public static void main(String[] args) { int total_width = 300; int total_height = 200; new StackedEggsWriter(total_width, total_height, 50, 90, 140); } } ENDFIGURE===============================================================
This example illustrates a classic motivation for writing private methods:
import javax.swing.*; public class StackSomeEggs { public static void main(String[] args) { StackedEggsWriter writer = new StackedEggsWriter(0, 0, 0); String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type size of bottom egg (an int):"); writer.setEggSize1(new Integer(s).intValue()); s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type size of middle egg (an int):"); writer.setEggSize2(new Integer(s).intValue()); s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type size of top egg (an int):"); writer.setEggSize3(new Integer(s).intValue()); } }
import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; /** Circles draws three concentric circles */ public class Circles extends JPanel { public Circles() { JFrame my_frame = new JFrame(); my_frame.getContentPane().add(this); my_frame.setTitle("TextWriter"); my_frame.setSize(200, 200); my_frame.setVisible(true); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { int x_pos = 100; // x-position of center of circle int y_pos = 100; // y-position of center of circle int diameter = 60; // diameter of circle to draw g.setColor(; int radius = diameter / 2; g.drawOval(x_pos - radius, y_pos - radius, diameter, diameter); diameter = diameter + 20; radius = diameter / 2; g.drawOval(x_pos - radius, y_pos - radius, diameter, diameter); diameter = diameter + 20; radius = diameter / 2; g.drawOval(x_pos - radius, y_pos - radius, diameter, diameter); } }
/** printLadybug prints a ladybug */ public void printLadybug() { System.out.println(" `m\'"); // the ' must be written as \' System.out.println(" (|) sahr"); System.out.println(); }
/** printBeeWithName prints a bee with a name attached to its stinger. * @param name - the name attached to the stinger */ public void printBeeWithName(String name) { System.out.println(" ,-."); System.out.println(" \\_/"); System.out.println(">{|||}-" + name + "-"); System.out.println(" / \\"); System.out.println(" `-^ hjw"); System.out.println(); }
/** celsiusIntoFahrenheit translates degrees Celsius into Fahrenheit * @param c - the degrees in Celsius * @return the equivalent degrees in Fahrenheit */ public double celsiusIntoFahrenheit(double c) { double f = ((9.0 / 5.0) * c) + 32; return f; }
/** paintAnEgg paints an egg in 3-by-2 proportion (the egg's height * is two-thirds of its width) * @param bottom - the position of the egg's bottom * @param width - the egg's width * @param pen - the graphics pen that will draw the egg * @return the y-position of the painted egg's top edge. */ private int paintAnEgg(int bottom, int width, Graphics pen) { int height = (2 * width) / 3; int top_edge = bottom - height; int left_edge = (FRAME_WIDTH - width) / 2; pen.setColor(; pen.fillOval(left_edge, top_edge, width, height); pen.setColor(; pen.drawOval(left_edge, top_edge, width, height); return top_edge; }
When the child replies, with say, 33, the answer appears in a newly created graphics window:
When started, the application asks Candidate 1 to type her name, followed by her address. The application asks Candidate 2 to do the same. Next, the application asks 5 voters to vote for either Candidate 1 or Candidate 2. The application finishes by displaying the candidates' names, addresses, and total vote counts.
distance = (40 + 0.05v - (0.06v)2) * capacitywhere capacity is the size of the automobile's fuel tank. (Note: This simplistic formula assumes that the car has a one-gear transmission.)
The input to the application is the fuel tank's size; the output are the distances travelled (and the time taken to do so) for velocities 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 miles per hour. Display the answers graphically, so that the answers are pictures like this:
For a 10-gallon fuel tank: /A CAR\ 40 m.p.h.: =================== -o--o-- 362.4 miles in 9.06 hours /A CAR\ 60 m.p.h.: =============== -o--o-- 300.4 miles in 5.007 hours
d = V0t + (1/2)a(t2)Write an application that asks the user to submit values for V0 and a; the application produces graphical output showing the distances travelled for times 0, 1, ..., 10.
USDollar Euro 0.9428to tell it that one US Dollar can buy 0.9428 of one Euro.
Once it is started, the application asks the user to type the amount of currency the user wishes to sell. When the user submits this information, the application computes the amount of currency purchased and displays the answer as two proportionally sized coins:
IMAGE OF TWO BALLOONS, LABELLED AS: 200 Dollars = 188.56 Euros
The class should have these methods:
class BarGraphWriter | helps a user draw bar graphs |
Methods | |
setAxes(int x_pos, int y_pos, String top_label, int y_height) | draw the x- and y-axes of the graph. The pair, x_pos, y_pos, state the coordinates on the window where the two axes begin. The height of the y-axis, stated in pixels, is y_height. (The length of the x-axis will be exactly long enough to display 6 bars.) The label placed at the top of the y-axis is top_label. (The label placed at the bottom of the y_axis is always 0.) See the picture above. |
setBar1(String label, int height, Color c) | draw the first bar in the graph, where the label underneath the bar is label, the height of the bar, in pixels, is height, and the bar's color is c. See the picture above. |
setBar2(String label, int height, Color c) | draw the second bar in the graph, where the arguments are used in the same way as in setBar1 |
setBar3(String label, int height, Color c), setBar4(String label, int height, Color c), setBar5(String label, int height, Color c), setBar6(String label, int height, Color c) | draw the third through sixth bars of the graph |
import java.awt.*; public class TestGraph { public static void main(String[] a) { BarGraphWriter e = new BarGraphWriter(); e.setTitle("Days in first four months of the year"); e.setAxes(20, 120, "30", 90); // x- and y-axes start at 20, 120 // graph is 90 pixels high; top of graph is labelled "30" int scale_factor = 3; e.setBar1("Jan", 31 * scale_factor,; // Jan has 31 days e.setBar2("Feb", 28 * scale_factor, Color.white); // etc. e.setBar3("Mar", 31 * scale_factor,; e.setBar4("Apr", 30 * scale_factor,; } }Test your coding of class BarGraphWriter with TestGraph.
Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | |
Distance from Sun (astronomical units) | 0.387 | 0.723 | 1.00 | 1.524 | 5.203 | 9.539 |
Mass (relative to Earth) | 0.05 | 0.81 | 1.00 | 0.11 | 318.4 | 95.3 |
Length of day (hours) | 2106.12 | 718 | 23.93 | 24.62 | 9.83 | 10.03 |
Length of year (in Earth days) | 88.0 days | 224.7 days | 365.3 days | 687 days | 11.86 years | 29.46 years |
Weight of 1kg. object | 0.25 | 0.85 | 1.00 | 0.36 | 2.64 | 1.17 |
Notice that the application decides for itself the location of the x- and y-axes. Here is how the interaction between the application and its user might go (the user's responses are stated in italics):
Please type the title of your graph: Days in the months Please type the value of the largest bar you will draw: 31 Please type the name of the first bar: Jan Please type the value of the first bar: 31 ... etc. ...
Write a class, PointGraphWriter, that generates a graph of exactly 6 plotted points. The class should meet this specification:
class PointGraphWriter | helps a user draw a graph of 6 plotted points |
Methods | |
setAxes(int x_pos, int y_pos, int axis_length, String x_label, String y_label) | draw the the vertical and horizontal axes of the graph, such that the intersection point of the axes lies at position x_pos, y_pos. Each axis has the length, axis_length pixels. The beginning labels of both the x- and y-axes are 0; the label at the top of the y-axis is y_label, and the label at the end of the x-axis is x_label. |
setPoint1(int height) | plot the first point of the graph, so that it appears at the 0-position on the x-axis and at the height position on the y-axis. |
setPoint2(int height) | plot the second point of the graph, so that its x-position is at one-fifth of the length of the x-axis and at the height position on the y-axis. |
setPoint3(int height), setPoint4(int height), setPoint5(int height), setPoint6(int height) | plot the third and subsequent points of the graph, so that they are equally spaced along the x-axis and appear at the specified height on the y-axis. Each point is connected to its predecessor by a straight line. |
public class TestPlot { public static void main(String[] a) { PointGraphWriter e = new PointGraphWriter(); e.setTitle("Graph of y = x*x"); e.setAxes(50, 110, 90, "5", "30"); // axes start at position 50,110; the axes have length 90 pixels // x-axis is labelled 0..5 // y-axis is labelled 0..30 int scale_factor = 3; e.setPoint1(0 * scale_factor); // 0*0 = 0 e.setPoint2(1 * scale_factor); // 1*1 = 1 e.setPoint3(4 * scale_factor); // 2*2 = 4 e.setPoint4(9 * scale_factor); // etc. e.setPoint5(16 * scale_factor); e.setPoint6(25 * scale_factor); } }
d = V0t + (1/2)a(t2)Write an application that asks the user to submit values for V0 and a; the application produces as its output a plotted graph that shows the distances travelled for times 0, 2, 4, ..., 10.
The chart was generated from an output-view object with this specification:
class PieChartWriter | helps a user draw a pie chart of at most 6 ``slices'' |
Methods | |
setSlice1(String label, int amount, Color c) | draw the first slice of the chart, such that amount indicates the amount of the slice, and c is the slice's color. The label is printed to the right of the pie, and it is printed in the color, c. |
setSlice2(String label, int amount, Color c), setSlice3(String label, int amount, Color c), setSlice4(String label, int amount, Color c), setSlice5(String label, int amount, Color c), setSlice6(String label, int amount, Color c) | draw the subsequent slices and their labels. |
import java.awt.*; public class TestPieChart { public static void main(String[] args) { PieChartWriter p = new PieChartWriter(); p.setTitle("How I spend my day"); p.setSlice1("Sleep: 7 hours", 7,; p.setSlice4("Recreation: 9 hours", 9, Color.gray); p.setSlice2("In class: 3 hours", 3,; p.setSlice3("Homework: 5 hours", 5,; } }
INCOME: personal income taxes: 46% social security and medicare taxes: 34% corporate income taxes: 11% excise and customs taxes: 8% borrowing to cover deficit: 1% OUTLAYS: social security and medicare: 38% national defense: 20% social programs: 18% interest on national debt: 15% human and community development: 7% general government: 2%
These optional sections build on the core materials in the chapter and
Here are the guidelines used in this text for devising names for variables, methods, and classes. The guidelines are devised so that we can read a name and deduce almost immediately whether it is a name of a variable, a method, or a class.
Begin Footnote: Java provides a special variant of a field variable, called a final variable, which is a field whose value is set once and never changed thereafter. Final variables are studied in Chapter 9. End Footnote
The current chapter suggested that every class should have a specification. Further, information from the specification should be inserted into the comments that prefix the class's methods. Every class's specification should be documented, ideally with an an HTML-coded Web page. We obtain the last step for free if the class's comments are coded in ``javadoc style,'' because we can use the javadoc program to generate the Web pages.
javadoc is a program that reads a Java class, locates all comments bounded by the format /** ... */, and reformats them into Web pages. For example, we can apply javadoc to class MyWriter. by typing at the command line javadoc (Note: The previous command works if you use the JDK. If you use an IDE, consult the IDE's user guide for information about javadoc.) Here is the page created for the class:
The comments from MyWriter have been attractively formatted into a useful description and annotated with additional information about the built-in graphics classes that were included by inheritance with MyWriter If we scroll the page downwards, we encounter a summary of the class's public methods:
Now, a user of MyWriter need not read the program to learn its skills---the API documentation should suffice!
If we wish more information about one of the methods, say, writeSentence, we jump to the link named writeSentence and view the following:
The commentary from the writeSentence method has been extracted and formatted in a useful way.
The format of comments that javadoc reads is as follows:
Important: javadoc will not normally include commentary about private fields and methods in its web pages, because these components are not meant for public use. If you desire documentation of a class's private components, you obtain this by using the -private option, e.g., javadoc -private
javadoc is best used to document a package of classes; we organize applications into packages in in Chapter 9.
An application is typically designed as a collection of classes, where each class contains methods and private field variables. A class's methods and fields work together to perform the class's responsibilities---a good example is class MyWriter in Figure 6.
Occasionally, one writes a method that does not depend on field variables and can stand by itself, that is, the method need not be owned by any particular object and need not be coded in any particular class. For historical reasons, such a method is called static.
The main method, which starts every Java application, is the standard example of a static method: main need not belong to any particular object or class. In this text, for each application we typically write a separate ``start up'' class that holds main. But main need not be placed in a class by itself---it can be inserted in any one of an application's classes, as we saw in Figure 9, where a trivial method was inserted into class StackedEggsWriter for convenient start-up.
In Java, a static method like main is labelled static in its header line. The label, static, means that the method can be invoked without explicitly constructing an object that holds the method. This is indeed what happens when we start a Java application.
Here is a picture in computer storage after the StackedEggsWriter class from Figure 9 is started:
The static portion embedded within class StackedEggsWriter is extracted and kept separate from the new StackedEggsWriter() objects that are subsequently constructed. The new StackedEggsWriter() object never contains the static portion of the class. Technically, the static portion of class StackedEggsWriter is not an ``object'' like the objects created by new StackedEggsWriter() (in particular, it does not have an address), but it does occupy storage and we will continue to draw it to look like an object.
There can be other static methods besides main. For example, here is a rewrite of the temperature-conversion application, where main relies on its own private method to convert the input temperature:
import java.text.*; import javax.swing.*; /** CelsiusToFahrenheit2 converts an input Celsius value to Fahrenheit. * input: the degrees Celsius, an integer read from a dialog * output: the degrees Fahrenheit, a double */ public class CelsiusToFahrenheit2 { public static void main(String[] args) { String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type an integer Celsius temperature:"); int c = new Integer(input).intValue(); // convert input into an int double f = celsiusIntoFahrenheit(c); DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.0"); System.out.println("For Celsius degrees " + c + ","); System.out.println("Degrees Fahrenheit = " + formatter.format(f)); } /** celsiusIntoFahrenheit translates degrees Celsius into Fahrenheit * @param c - the degrees in Celsius * @return the equivalent degrees in Fahrenheit */ private static double celsiusIntoFahrenheit(int c) { return ((9.0 / 5.0) * c) + 32; } }The private method, celsiusIntoFahrenheit, must itself be labelled static, because the private method is itself invoked without explicitly constructing an object that holds it. As a rule, all methods invoked by a static method must themselves be labelled static.
There is another use of static methods in Java: We might argue that some methods, like the square-root, exponentiation, sine, and cosine methods, really do not need to be held within an explicitly constructed object. Of course, one might also argue that it is reasonable to construct an object that has the abilities to compute precisely these operations!
The Java designers followed the first argument, and they wrote class Math, which resides in the package java.lang. Inside class Math are the static methods, sqrt, pow, sin, and cos, mentioned above. Because these methods are labelled static, we invoke them differently than usual: Rather than constructing a new Math() object and sending sqrt messages to it, we invoke the method directly:
double d = Math.sqrt(2.0);Instead of an object name, an invoked static method is prefixed by the name of the class where the method is coded. This is analogous to starting an application by typing the name of the class where the main method is coded.
Other examples of static methods are showInputDialog and showMessageDialog from class JOptionPane. Indeed, as you utilize more of Java's libraries, you will encounter classes holding just static methods (or classes with a mixture of static and normal---nonstatic---methods). Please remember that a static method is invoked by prefixing it with its class name; a normal method is invoked by constructing an object from the class and sending the object a message to invoke its method.
In this text, the only static method we ever write will be main.
Finally, we note that Java allows fields to be labelled static and public as well! We will not develop this variation at this time, other than to point out that class Math uses it to give a convenient name for the mathematical constant, Pi: When you write,
System.out.println("Pi = " + Math.PI);you are using a public, static field, named PI, that is declared and initialized within class Math.
Static fields make later appearances in Chapters 8 and 10.
public double celsiusIntoFahrenheit(double c) { double f = ((9.0 / 5.0) * c) + 32; return f; }the compiler verifies that the method's body uses parameter c the way doubles should be used. Also, all statements of the form return E must contain expressions, E, whose data type matches the information in the header line. In the above example, the compiler does indeed verify that f has type double, which matches the data type that the header line promises for the function's result.
When the compiler encounters an invocation, e.g., convert.celsiusIntoFahrenheit(68), the compiler verifies that
When the compiler examines an entire class, it analyses the class's fields and methods, one by one. When it concludes, the compiler collects an interface specification for the class, based on the information it extracted from the header lines of the class's public components. The information is used when the compiler examines another class that references this first one. In this way, the Java compiler can systematically analyze an application built from multiple classes.
A more precise description of data-type checking of methods follows in the next section.
The material that follows is provided as a reference and most definitely is nonrequired reading for the beginner.
METHOD ::= VISIBILITY static? RETURN_TYPE METHOD_HEADER METHOD_BODYRecall that ? means that the preceding phrase is optional.
VISIBILITY ::= public | private RETURN_TYPE ::= TYPE | void METHOD_HEADER ::= IDENTIFIER ( FORMALPARAM_LIST? )A method can be public or private and can optionally return a result. The syntax of TYPE remains the same from Chapter 3.
FORMALPARAM_LIST ::= FORMALPARAM [[ , FORMALPARAM ]]* FORMALPARAM ::= TYPE IDENTIFIER METHOD_BODY ::= { STATEMENT* }A method can have a list of parameters, separated by commas. (Recall that * is read as ``zero or more'' and the double brackets are used for grouping multiple phrases.)
The syntax of STATEMENT is carried over from Chapter 2, but one form of statement changes:
INVOCATION ::= [[ RECEIVER . ]]? IDENTIFIER ( ARGUMENT_LIST? )because the RECEIVER can be omitted when an object invokes one of its own methods. Also, a new statement form is included:
A method definition is well typed if
The semantics of a method definition is that the name, formal parameters, and body of the method are remembered for later use.
INVOCATION ::= [[ RECEIVER . ]]? IDENTIFIER ( ARGUMENT_LIST? )In this section, we consider invocations of only normal (non-static) methods; see the subsection below for comments about invocations of static methods.
Say that the Java compiler must check the data types within an invocation that looks like this:
[[ RECEIVER . ]]? NAME0 ( EXPRESSION1, EXPRESSION2, ..., EXPRESSIONn)As noted in the preceding section, the data-type checking proceeds in several steps:
If the located method, NAME0, is a private method (that is, VISIBILITY is private) and was found within class Ck, then the label, private Ck, is attached to the invocation as well. If NAME0 is a public method, then the label, public, is attached.
Therefore, when NAME0 is a public method, the compiler annotates the invocation to look like this:
[[ RECEIVER . ]]? NAME0 (EXPRESSION1: TYPE1, EXPRESSION2: TYPE2, ..., EXPRESSIONn:TYPEn) public;When NAME0 is a private method, the invocation looks like this:
Here is an example. Given this class,
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { FourEggsWriter w = new FourEggsWriter(); // see Figure 2 String s = setTitle(2); w.setTitle(s); } private static String setTitle(int i) { return ("New " + i); } }the compiler must analyze the invocation, setTitle(2). Since there is no prefix on the invocation, the data type of the receiver is this class, Test. A search of class Test locates the private method, setTitle, whose formal parameter's type matches the actual parameter type. This is the best matching method. The compiler annotate the invocation to read,
setTitle(2: int) private Test;and it notes that the result will be a String, which is acceptable.
Next, the compiler analyzes w.setTitle(s). The prefix, w, has type FourEggsWriter, so that class is searched for a public method named setTitle. None is found, but since class FourEggsWriter extends JFrame, the compiler searches class JFrame and finds the best matching method there, JFrame's setTitle. The invocation is annotated as
w.setTitle(s: String) public;
Again, let
[[ RECEIVER . ]]? NAME0 ( EXPRESSION1, EXPRESSION2, ..., EXPRESSIONn)be the invocation that is analyzed; we assume that only non-static methods are invoked. Let C0 be the data type of the RECEIVER. (If RECEIVER is omitted, we take C0 to be the name of the class where the invocation appears.) If the invocation appears within class C0 also, then the best matching method is the method the compiler finds by searching(all public and private methods of class C0); Otherwise, the best matching method is the method found by searching(all public methods of class C0).
The algorithm for searching(some methods of class C0) is defined as follows:
NAME0(TYPE1 NAME1, TYPE2 NAME2, ..., TYPEn NAMEn)such that
We return to the earlier example; consider
w.setTitle(s);The compiler finds the best matching method for the invocation; since the prefix, w, has type FourEggsWriter, but the invocation appears within class Test, the compiler does searching(all public methods of class FourEggsWriter). The compiler finds no method in FourEggsWriter that matches, but since FourEggsWriter extends JFrame, it does searching(all public methods of class JFrame). There, the compiler locates the method; its header line is
public void setTitle(String title)
The above definition of best matching method will serve us well until we encounter the difficult issue of method overloading based on parameter type; this is studied in Chapter 9.
[[ RECEIVER ]]? NAME0(EXPRESSION1: TYPE1, EXPRESSION2:TYPE2, ..., EXPRESSIONn:TYPEn) SUFFIX(Recall that SUFFIX is either private Ck or public.) For simplicity, we consider invocations of only normal (non-static) methods.
Execution proceeds in the following steps:
private ... NAME0(TYPE1 NAME1, TYPE2 NAME2, ..., TYPEn NAMEn)This method must exist for object a, because the Java compiler located it during the type-checking phase.
public ... NAME0(TYPE1 NAME1, TYPE2 NAME2, ..., TYPEn NAMEn)If the method is found, select it. Otherwise, search the public methods that come from class C1, where class C0 extends C1; repeat the search until the method is found. The method must be found because the compiler found it during type checking.
Steps 4 and 5 are the same as as executing this code inside object PREFIX:
{ TYPE1 NAME1 = r1; TYPE2 NAME2 = r2; ... TYPEn NAMEn = rn; BODY }
Step 2 is necessary so that there is no confusion when a programmer uses the same name, p, for a private method in one class and a public method in another class. Also, the ``searching'' that one does to select a public method is necessary to resolve overridden methods. (For example, class JFrame has a useless paint method, but in Figure 2 class FourEggsWriter has a newer paint method. When we create a FourEggsWriter object, it has two paint methods, but the newer one is always selected.)
When the Java compiler encounters an invocation of a static method, it searches for the best matching method only amongst the static methods. As usual, the search for the best matching method begins at the class named by the RECEIVER. When the Java compiler locates the best matching static method, it uses the information in the method's header line to annotate the invocation as seen above. The SUFFIX part of the annotation is static Ck, where Ck is the class where the best matching method was located.
When the Java Virtual Machine executes the invocation, the suffix, static Ck tells it to execute the static method in Ck.
The syntax of a class becomes
public class IDENTIFIER EXTEND? { FIELD* CONSTRUCTOR METHOD* } EXTEND ::= extends IDENTIFIER FIELD ::= private DECLARATION CONSTRUCTOR ::= public METHOD_HEADER { STATEMENT* }Data-type checking is performed on the fields, constructor method, and methods of the class. No two fields may be declared with the same name. Two methods may be declared with the same name if they have different quantities or data types of formal parameters; this issue is explored in Chapter 9.
The semantics of a class is that it is remembered for creating objects.
An object is constructed from a class, class C0, by an expression of the form
new C0( EXPRESSION1, EXPRESSION2, ..., EXPRESSIONn )The semantics of object construction goes as follows: