3.9.2 Clustered Process Yielding the Negative Binomial PMFRogers's clustered spatial process gives rise to the negative binomial distribution. In this model we assume that a cell becomes more attractive with each additional entity that locates there. In particular, if there are m entities there at time t, new entities arrive in a (time) Poisson manner at rate c + bm (c > 0, b > 0). The state-transition diagram for this infinite-state pure birth process is shown in Figure 3.37. Proceeding as usual, the set of coupled differential equations governing this process are This is the negative binomial pmf [See, for example, A. W. Drake, Fundamentals of Applied Probability, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1967, pp. 129-130,153.] with mean E[N(t)] = (c/b)(ebt - 1 (3.117) and variance
The ratio of the mean to the variance is r = ebt (3.119) which is always greater than unity (which is what we want with a clustered process). "saturation" population, Psat, whereas the Poisson process grows linearly in time and the negative binomial (clustered) process "explodes" at an exponential rate. Figure 3.39 illustrates each process over a 10- by 10-kilometer city.