a. Suppose that
S2 X1
+ X2, where
X1 and
are independent Cauchy random variables, each having pdf
Using the integral identity
![pg170c.gif (5184 bytes)](images3a/pg170c.gif)
show that
S2 has a pdf 2/[
(4 + y2)].
b. Proceeding by induction, show that
+ X2 + . . . +
Xn. (all
Xi independent)
has a pdf n / [
(n2 + Y2)].
c. Thus, verify that the average of n
independent Cauchy samples
(i.e., Vn
Sn / n) has a
Cauchy pdf 1 / [
(n2 + Y2
)]. Thus,
"averaging together" a number of independent Cauchy
samples yields a pdf for the
average identical to that of any one of the individual samples.
(This result contrasts
sharply to most random variables, for which averaging of n
independent samples reduces the
variance by a factor of n^-1.)