5.14 Interdistrict dispatching, revisited In Section
5.6 we found that for a nontime-varying system with n(t) = n, n(t) = n, the fraction of dispatches that
are interdistrict dispatches is
- Examine the special case
n = , and
physically interpret your result.
- Examine the special case
n constant, and physically
interpret your
- In the text we developed (5.55), allowing for a time-varying
system in which the sector car is always given first
preference. However, for a system in which the dispatcher has car
location information, he may prefer to assign an out-of-sector car that
is closer to the scene than the sector car.
Our previous analysis can be generalized to allow for this
type of behavior. Let
an(t) = | probability that unit n is
assigned to a call that arrives from sector n at time t,
given that unit n is available
Derive the analogous result to (5.55) for this more general
model. What are the physical implications of the result?
- Does the practical significance of the results above change if
we allow a queue to form? As a guide to answering this
question, consider a nontime-varying system in near-saturation
conditions (i.e., a queue almost always exists). A call
that arrives when all N servers are busy is entered in queue. The
queue is depleted in a first-come, first-served manner.
Prove that