7.1.4 Simulating Event Times from a Time-Dependent Poisson
Suppose that, as in Section 4.11, we have demands for an urban service
which are generated in a Poisson manner but with an average rate,
which is a function of time. This is a most common case for urban
service systems. We would, therefore, like to be able to simulate this
type of demand accurately and efficiently for any given time interval
[0, T]. In the following it will be assumed that the average demand rate
is known for all t (0 /=
t /= T). A typical pattern for
is shown in Figure 7.12.
The most obvious approach is to use (7.5), substituting
We begin at time t = 0 and generate the first demand using
in (7.5).
Assume that the first demand occurs at time t1. We then use (7.5) with
to generate the time for the second demand, t2. We proceed in the same
way, using ,
... successively in (7.5) until eventually a demand's time of occurrence
falls outside the interval T, at which point we can stop.
On second thought, however, this procedure turns out to be faulty. To
see why, consider the case when a demand is simulated to occur at time
t*, as shown in Figure 7.12. To generate the next demand we would then
use =
with (7.5). But because
is small, the simulated interval until the next demand will tend to be a
long one (its expected value is
and thus
we may "skip" (without generating any new demands) a good part of the
period of time that follows t*, when there is an increase (a "hump") in
demand. In the extreme case when
is close to 0, we may in fact "jump" all the way to the end of the
interval T.
The following four-step procedure overcomes these problems:
STEP 1: | Estimate the mean arrival rate throughout the interval T,
| STEP 2: | Using a constant rate
with (7.5), generate a sample value of
N(T), say k, the number of Poisson events in T, in a manner identical to
that of Example 5 (and Figure 7.9). Note that k is distributed as
| STEP 3: | Use the rejection method and the
function with c=
(Figure 7.12), a = 0, and b = T to generate exactly k unordered
time instants
in [0, T]. These are the instants
when demands occur (cf. "unordered arrival times" for a Poisson
process, Section 2.12). Note that
can be greater or less than .
| STEP 4: | Rearrange (sort) the time instants
into an ordered set{t1,t2,...,tk}
where t1 is equal to Min
is equal to the second smallest of
and so on. The instants {t1,t2,...,tk}
are the simulated time instants for the occurrence of demands according
to the time-dependent Poisson process with average rate
Exercise 7.3 Argue why the four-step procedure outlined above works
correctly. What does each one of the four steps of the procedure
The procedure presented above is somewhat inefficient because it makes
two passes over T: once to generate k and a second time to generate the
time instants,
A single-pass procedure is developed in Problem 7.3. We also note that
an efficient sorting algorithm that can be useful for Step 4 is
described in Section 7.2.1.