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Constructor, getLength, and purge Methods

Program gif defines the constructor, getLength, and purge methods of the OpenScatterTable class. The OpenScatterTable constructor takes a single argument which specifies the size of scatter table desired. It creates an array of the desired length and initializes each element of the array by assigning to it an new Entry instance. Consequently, the running time for the OpenScatterTable constructor is O(M) where M is the size of the scatter table.

Program: OpenScatterTable class constructor, getLength, and purge methods.

The getLength method simply returns the length of the array field. Clearly, its running time is O(1).

The purge method empties the scatter table by invoking the purge method on each Entry object in the array. The purge method for the Entry class is given in Program gif. Notice that an entry can be purged in constant time. Therefore, the time required to purge the scatter table is O(M), where M is the length of the table.

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Bruno Copyright © 1998 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.