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Program gif introduces the RadixSorter class. The RadixSorter class extends the AbstractSorter class defined in Program gif. This radix sorter is designed to sort specifically an array of Ints.

Program: RadixSorter fields.

Three static final fields are declared in the RadixSorter class--R, r, and p. The constant R represents the radix and tex2html_wrap_inline69413. The constant p is the number sorting passes needed to sort the data. In this case r=8 and tex2html_wrap_inline69419. Therefore, a radix-256 sort is being done. We have chosen R as a power of two because that way the computations required to implement the radix sort can be implemented efficiently using simple bit shift and mask operations. In order to sort b-bit integers, it is necessary to make tex2html_wrap_inline69425 sorting passes.

One more field is defined in the RadixSorter class--count. The count field is an array of integers used to implement the sorting passes. An array of integers of length R is created and assigned to the count array.

Program gif also defines the no-arg sort method. It casts the array to an array Ints and calls the sort(Int[]) method defined in Program gif.

Program: RadixSorter class sort method.

The sort(Int[]) method shown in Program gif begins by creating a temporary array of Ints of length n. Each iteration of the main loop corresponds to one pass of the radix sort (lines 8-29). In all p iterations are required.

During the tex2html_wrap_inline57340 pass of the main loop the following steps are done: First, the R counters are all set to zero (lines 10-11). This takes O(R) time. Then a pass is made through the input array during which the number of occurrences of each radix-R digit in the tex2html_wrap_inline57340 digit position are counted (lines 12-16). This pass takes O(n) time. Notice that during this pass all the input data is copied into the temporary array.

Next, the array of counts is transformed into an array of offsets according to Equation gif. This requires a single pass through the counter array (lines 17-23). Therefore, it takes O(R) time. Finally, the data sequence is permuted by copying the values from the temporary array back into the input array (lines 24-28). Since this requires a single pass through the data arrays, the running time is O(n).

After the p sorting passes have been done, the array of data is sorted. The running time for the sort method of the RadixSorter class is tex2html_wrap_inline69451. If we assume that the size of an integer is 32 bits and given that R=256, the number of sorting passes required is p=4. Therefore, the running time for the radix sort is simply O(n). That is, radix sort is a linear-time sorting algorithm.

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Bruno Copyright © 1998 by Bruno R. Preiss, P.Eng. All rights reserved.