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Learning Debian GNU/Linux

Learning Debian GNU/Linux

By Bill McCarty
1st Edition September 1999
1-56592-705-2, Order Number: 7052
360 pages, $34.95 , Includes CD-ROM

Previous: 11.7 Using minicom and seyon Chapter 11
Getting Connected to the Internet
Next: 12. Setting Up a Linux-Based WAN

11.8 Making a PPP Connection Manually

Sometimes you may have difficulty making a PPP connection by using wvdial. In such a case, it's helpful to know how to make a PPP connection manually. Once you make a connection, you can use email and Usenet newsgroups to seek the help you need to resolve your problem in using wvdial.

Before making the PPP connection, you must have:

If you're unsure whether you've performed these operations, do them again, just to be safe.

To make a PPP connection manually, log in as root, launch minicom and dial your ISP. If your ISP prompts for a userid or password, reply appropriately. Most ISPs now use automatic authentication, so it isn't usually necessary to enter your user information. Once authentication is complete, nonsense characters should begin to appear on minicom's screen. Type Ctrl-A then J to suspend minicom and launch a shell. At the shell prompt, issue the commands:

route del default
pppd -detach defaultroute /dev/modem 38400 &

In a short while, the PPP connection should be made. To verify that the connection is working, use a web browser to contact a remote server. If this doesn't work, check your configuration carefully.

To shut down the PPP connection, issue the command:


After a short pause, the modem will hang up. To resume minicom, type the command:


You can then exit minicom normally.

Previous: 11.7 Using minicom and seyon Learning Debian GNU/Linux Next: 12. Setting Up a Linux-Based WAN
11.7 Using minicom and seyon Book Index 12. Setting Up a Linux-Based WAN

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