12.5.6. Repositories Section

The repositories section represents a slightly more exotic feature in the assembly descriptor, since few applications other than Maven can take full advantage of a Maven-repository directory structure. For this reason, and because many of its features closely resemble those in the dependencySets section, we won’t spend too much time on the repositories section of the assembly descriptor. In most cases, users who understand dependency sets should have no trouble constructing repositories via the Assembly plugin. We're not going to motivate the repositories section; we're not going to go through a the business of setting up a use case and walking you through the process. We're just going to bring up a few caveats for those of you who find the need to use the repostiories section.

Having said that, there are a two features particular to the repositories section that deserve some mention. The first is the includeMetadata flag. When set to true it includes metadata such as the list of real versions that correspond to -SNAPSHOT virtual versions, and by default it’s set to false. At present, the only metadata included when this flag is true is the information downloaded from Maven’s central repository.

The second feature is called groupVersionAlignments. Again, this section is a list of individual groupVersionAlignment configurations, whose purpose is to normalize all included artifacts for a particular groupId to use a single version. Each alignment entry consists of two mandatory elements - id and version - along with an optional section called excludes that supplies a list of artifactId string values which are to be excluded from this realignment. Unfortunately, this realignment doesn’t seem to modify the POMs involved in the repository, neither those related to realigned artifacts nor those that depend on realigned artifacts, so it’s difficult to imagine what the practical application for this sort of realignment would be.

In general, it’s simplest to apply the same principles you would use in dependency sets to repositories when adding them to your assembly descriptor. While the repositories section does support the above extra options, they are mainly provided for backward compatibility, and will probably be deprecated in future releases.