12.5.5. moduleSets 部分

Multi-module builds are generally stitched together using the parent and modules sections of interrelated POMs. Typically, parent POMs specify their children in a modules section, which under normal circumstances causes the child POMs to be included in the build process of the parent. Exactly how this relationship is constructed can have important implications for the ways in which the Assembly plugin can participate in this process, but we’ll discuss that more later. For now, it’s enough to keep in mind this parent-module relationship as we discuss the moduleSets section.

Projects are stitched together into multi-module builds because they are part of a larger system. These projects are designed to be used together, and single module in a larger build has little practical value on its own. In this way, the structure of the project’s build is related to the way we expect the project (and its modules) to be used. If consider the project from the user's perspective, it makes sense that the ideal end goal of that build would be a single, distributable file that the user can consume directly with minimum installation hassle. Since Maven multi-module builds typically follow a top-down structure, where dependency information, plugin configurations, and other information trickles down from parent to child, it seems natural that the task of rolling all of these modules into a single distribution file should fall to the topmost project. This is where the moduleSet comes into the picture.

Module sets allow the inclusion of resources that belong to each module in the project structure into the final assembly archive. Just like you can select a group of files to include in an assembly using a fileSet and a dependencySet, you can include a set of files and resources using a moduleSet to refer to modules in a multi-module build. They achieve this by enabling two basic types of module-specific inclusion: file-based, and artifact-based. Before we get into the specifics and differences between file-based and artifact-based inclusion of module resources into an assembly, let’s talk a little about selecting which modules to process. Module Selection

By now, you should be familiar with includes/excludes patterns as they are used throughout the assembly descriptor to filter files and dependencies. When you are referring to modules in an assembly descriptor, you will also use the includes/excludes patterns to define rules which apply to different sets of modules. The difference in moduleSet includes and excludes is that these rules do not allow for wildcard patterns. (As of the 2.2-beta-2 release, this feature has not really seen much demand, so it hasn’t been implemented.) Instead, each include or exclude value is simply the groupId and artifactId for the module, separated by a colon, like this:


In addition to includes and excludes, the moduleSet also supports an additional selection tool: the includeSubModules flag (whose default value is true). The parent-child relationship in any multi-module build structure is not strictly limited to two tiers of projects. In fact, you can include any number of tiers, or layers, in your build. Any project that is a module of a module of the current project is considered a sub-module. In some cases, you may want to deal with each individual module in the build separately (including sub-modules). For example, this is often simplest when dealing with artifact-based contributions from these modules. To do this, you would simply leave the useSubModules flag set to the default of true.

When you’re trying to include files from each module’s directory structure, you may wish to process that module’s directory structure only once. If your project directory structure mirrors that of the parent-module relationships that are included in the POMs, this approach would allow file patterns like **/src/main/java to apply not only to that direct module’s project directory, but also to the directories of its own modules as well. In this case you don’t want to process sub-modules directly (they will be processed as subdirectories within your own project’s modules instead), you should set the useSubModules flag to false.

Once we’ve determined how module selection should proceed for the module set in question, we’re ready to choose what to include from each module. As mentioned above, this can include files or artifacts from the module project. Sources Section

Suppose you want to include the source of all modules in your project's assembly, but you would like to exclude a particular module. Maybe you have a project named secret-sauce which contains secret and sensitive code that you don't want to distribute with your project. The simplest way to accomplish this is to use a moduleSet which includes each project's directory in ${module.basedir.name} and which excludes the secret-sauce module from the assembly.

Example 12.12. Includes and Excluding Modules with a moduleSet


In Example 12.12, “Includes and Excluding Modules with a moduleSet, since we’re dealing with each module’s sources it’s simpler to deal only with direct modules of the current project, handling sub-modules using file-path wildcard patterns in the file set. We set the includeSubModules element to false so we don't have to worry about submodules showing up in the root directory of the assembly archive. The exclude element will take care of excluding the secret-sauce module. We’re not going to include the project sources for the secret-sauce module; they’re, well, secret.

Normally, module sources are included in the assembly under a subdirectory named after the module’s artifactId. However, since Maven allows modules that are not in directories named after the module project’s artifactId, it’s often better to use the expression ${module.basedir.name} to preserve the module directory’s actual name (${module.basedir.name} is the same as calling MavenProject.getBasedir().getName()). It is critical to remember that modules are not required to be subdirectories of the project that declares them. If your project has a particularly strange directory structure, you may need to resort to special moduleSet declarations that include specific project and account for your own project's idiosyncracies.


Try to minimize your own project's idiosyncracies, while Maven is flexible, if you find yourself doing too much configuration there is likely an easier way.

Continuing through Example 12.12, “Includes and Excluding Modules with a moduleSet, since we’re not processing sub-modules explicitly in this module set, we need to make sure sub-module directories are not excluded from the source directories we consider for each direct module. By setting the excludeSubModuleDirectories flag to false, this allows us to apply the same file pattern to directory structures within a sub-module of the one we’re processing. Finally in Example 12.12, “Includes and Excluding Modules with a moduleSet, we’re not interested in any output of the build process for this module set. We exclude the target/ directory from all modules.

It’s also worth mentioning that the sources section supports fileSet-like elements directly within itself, in addition to supporting nested fileSets. These configuration elements are used to provide backward compatibility to previous versions of the Assembly plugin (versions 2.1 and under) that didn’t support multiple distinct file sets for the same module without creating a separate module set declaration. They are deprecated, and should not be used. Interpolation of outputDirectoryMapping in moduleSets

In Section, “自定义依赖输出目录”, we used the element outputDirectoryMapping to change the name of the directory under which each module’s sources would be included. The expressions contained in this element are resolved in exactly the same way as the outputFileNameMapping, used in dependency sets (see the explanation of this algorithm in Section 12.5.4, “dependencySets 元素”).

In Example 12.12, “Includes and Excluding Modules with a moduleSet, we used the expression ${module.basedir.name}. You might notice that the root of that expression, module, is not listed in the mapping-resolution algorithm from the dependency sets section; this object root is specific to configurations within moduleSets. It works in exactly the same way as the ${artifact.*} references available in the outputFileNameMapping element, except it is applied to the module’s MavenProject, Artifact, and ArtifactHandler instances instead of those from a dependency artifact. Binaries section

Just as the sources section is primarily concerned with including a module in its source form, the binaries section is primarily concerned with including the module’s build output, or its artifacts. Though this section functions primarily as a way of specifying dependencySets that apply to each module in the set, there are a few additional features unique to module artifacts that are worth exploring: attachmentClassifier and includeDependencies. In addition, the binaries section contains options similar to the dependencySet section, that relate to the handling of the module artifact itself. These are: unpack, outputFileNameMapping, outputDirectory, directoryMode, and fileMode. Finally, module binaries can contain a dependencySets section, to specify how each module’s dependencies should be included in the assembly archive. First, let’s take a look at how the options mentioned here can be used to manage the module’s own artifacts.

Suppose we want to include the javadoc jars for each of our modules inside our assembly. In this case, we don’t care about including the module dependencies; we just want the javadoc jar. However, since this particular jar is always going to be present as an attachment to the main project artifact, we need to specify which classifier to use to retrieve it. For simplicity, we won’t cover unpacking the module javadoc jars, since this configuration is exactly the same as what we used for dependency sets earlier in this chapter. The resulting module set might look similar to Example 12.13, “Including JavaDoc from Modules in an Assembly”.

Example 12.13. Including JavaDoc from Modules in an Assembly


In Example 12.13, “Including JavaDoc from Modules in an Assembly”, we don’t explicitly set the includeSubModules flag, since it’s true by default. However, we definitely want to process all modules - even sub-modules - using this module set, since we’re not using any sort of file pattern that could match on sub-module directory structures within. The attachmentClassifier grabs the attached artifact with the javadoc classifier for each module processed. The includeDependencies element tells the Assembly plugin that we're not interested in any of the module's dependencies, just the javadoc attachment. Finally, the outputDirectory element tells the Assembly plugin to put all of the javadoc jars into a directory named apidoc-jars/ off of the assembly root directory.

Although we’re not doing anything too complicated in this example, it’s important to understand that the same changes to the expression-resolution algorithm discussed for the outputDirectoryMapping element of the sources section also applies here. That is, whatever was available as ${artifact.*} inside a dependencySet’s outputFileNameMapping configuration is also available here as ${module.*}. The same applies for outputFileNameMapping when used directly within a binaries section.

Finally, let’s examine an example where we simply want to process the module’s artifact and its runtime dependencies. In this case, we want to separate the artifact set for each module into separate directory structures, according to the module’s artifactId and version. The resulting module set is surprisingly simply, and it looks like the listing in Example 12.14, “Including Module Artifacts and Dependencies in an Assembly”:

Example 12.14. Including Module Artifacts and Dependencies in an Assembly


In Example 12.14, “Including Module Artifacts and Dependencies in an Assembly”, we’re using the empty dependencySet element here, since that should include all runtime dependencies by default, with no configuration. With the outputDirectory specified at the binaries level, all dependencies should be included alongside the module’s own artifact in the same directory, so we don’t even need to specify that in our dependency set.

For the most part, module binaries are fairly straightforward. In both parts - the main part, concerned with handling the module artifact itself, and the dependency sets, concerned with the module’s dependencies - the configuration options are very similar to those in a dependency set. Of course, the binaries section also provides options for controlling whether dependencies are included, and which main-project artifact you want to use.

Like the sources section, the binaries section contains a couple of configuration options that are provided solely for backward compatibility, and should be considered deprecated. These include the includes and excludes sub-sections. moduleSets, Parent POMs and the binaries Section

Finally, we close the discussion about module handling with a strong warning. There are subtle interactions between Maven’s internal design as it relates to parent-module relationships and the execution of a module-set’s binaries section. When a POM declares a parent, that parent must be resolved in some way or other before the POM in question can be built. If the parent is in the Maven repository, there is no problem. However, as of Maven 2.0.9 this can cause big problems if that parent is a higher-level POM in the same build, particularly if that parent POM expects to build an assembly using its modules’ binaries.

Maven 2.0.9 sorts projects in a multi-module build according to their dependencies, with a given project’s dependencies being built ahead of itself. The problem is the parent element is considered a dependency, which means the parent project’s build must complete before the child project is built. If part of that parent’s build process includes the creation of an assembly that uses module binaries, those binaries will not exist yet, and therefore cannot be included, causing the assembly to fail. This is a complex and subtle issue, which severely limits the usefulness of the module binaries section of the assembly descriptor. In fact, it has been filed in the bug tracker for the Assembly plugin at: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-97. Hopefully, future versions of Maven will find a way to restore this functionality, since the parent-first requirement may not be completely necessary.