18.3.2. Ruby Mojo Implementations

Ruby Mojos are annotated using comments in Ruby source files. A single annotation like @parameter takes a number of attributes, and each of these attributes must be specified on the same line. There can be no line-breaks between an annotations attribute in the Ruby source. Both classes and parameters are annotated. Parameters are annotated with four annotations: @parameter, @required, @readonly, and @deprecated. The @parameter attribute takes the following attributes:


An alias for the parameter. An alternate name which can be used to populate the same parameter.


Provides a default value to the parameter if the supplied value or the parameter expression produces a null result. In echo.rb, we specify the default as "Hello Maven World".


Contains an expression which can resolve to a Maven property or a System property.


The fully qualified Java type of the parameter. If the type is not specified it will default to java.lang.String.

In addition to the @parameter annotation, a parameter can take the following annotations:

@required "<true|false>"

Marks the parameter as being required. The default value is false.

@readonly "<true|false>"

Marks the parameter as read-only. If this is true, you may not override the default value or the value from the expression from the command line. The default value is false.

@deprecated "<true|false>"

Marks the parameter as deprecated. The default value is false.

Putting this altogether, a fully annotated message parameter from echo.rb would look like the following code:

# @parameter type="java.lang.String" default-value="Hello Maven World" expression="${message}"
# @readonly true
# @required false
# @deprecated false
def message

Ruby Mojo classes are annotated with the following attributes:


Specifies the name of the goal.


The default phase to bind this goal to.


True if the Mojo requires that dependencies be resolved before execution.


Marks this mojo as an aggregator.


Provides the opportunity to execute a goal or lifecycle phase before executing this Mojo. The @execute annotation takes the following attributes:


Name of the goal to execute


Name of the lifecycle phase to execute


Name of the lifecycle (if other than default)

For an example of an annotated Mojo class, consider the following code example:

# Completes some build task
# @goal custom-goal
# @phase install
# @requiresDependencyResolution false
# @execute phase=compile
class CustomMojo < Mojo

Mojo parameters can reference Java classes and Maven properties. The following example shows you how to get access to the Maven Project object from a Ruby Mojo.

Example 18.6. Referencing a Maven Project from a Ruby Mojo

# This is a mojo description
# @goal test
# @phase validate
class Test < Mojo
  # @parameter type="java.lang.String" default-value="nothing" alias="a_string"
  def prop

  # @parameter type="org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject" expression="${project}"
  # @required true  
  def project

  def execute    
    info "The following String was passed to prop: '#{$prop}'"    
    info "My project artifact is: #{$project.artifactId}"  

run_mojo Test

In the previous example, we can access properties on the Project class using standard Ruby syntax. If you put test.rb in firstruby-maven-plugin's src/main/scripts directory, install the plugin, and then run it, you will see the following output:

$ mvn install
[INFO] [plugin:descriptor]
[INFO] Using 3 extractors.
[INFO] Applying extractor for language: java
[INFO] Applying extractor for language: jruby
[INFO] Ruby Mojo File: /echo.rb
[INFO] Ruby Mojo File: /test.rb
[INFO] Extractor for language: jruby found 2 mojo descriptors.
$ mvn firstruby:test
[INFO] [firstruby:test]
[INFO] The following String was passed to prop: 'nothing'
[INFO] My project artifact is: firstruby-maven-plugin